Thursday, December 21, 2006

December 21, 2006

I collected the essays in class. We continued the debates. Two classes are finished. One class is almost finished. The two honors classes, because they are so large, have about 5 more debates to go. We will have to finish them after the break.

After the break we will begin a new essay. I think it will be a compare contrast essay. The topic will not need to be studied so much, so we will have time for sentence diagramming... for real this time. We will have time to work the whole period, not just the little daily drill time. I mentioned the essay topic in an earlier blog. I THINK it might be something comparing what goals parents have for their children and how the children think they are measuring up to those goals, or something like that.

I will grade the ant debate essays after the break. They will be quicker to grade because I will just score them based on the lessons I have been teaching about organizing persuasive essays.

Have a nice break (students). I will not be blogging over the break. If you have a real desire to know what I am up to, you can check out my mobile blog: . I post pictures from my cell phone.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

December 19, 2006

Homework: pages 80-83 in the vocab book
Quiz on units 4-6 tomorrow
Ant essay due Thursday

Vacation has not started yet! The debates are rolling along now. The first ones are so hard, but now that we have scored a few, it is getting quicker. The idea behind having the debates it to see the strategies needed to effectively persuade. When they are in front of the class, they see how strong (or weak) their arguments are, especially when they see their scores. My hope is they will use that experience to strengthen their essays. There is so much that could be used in the essays. Unfortunately, too many students are only using a fraction of what was discussed.

Monday, December 18, 2006

December 18, 2006

Homework: Pages 78 and 79 in vocab
Be ready for the debate (which too many are not!)
Have the essay written by Thursday

I had too many students not ready for the debates! Even when we have had three weeks to prepare, too many students are standing in front of the class like they have no idea what to talk about. I am disappointed.

The essay has a format that I am asking them to follow. It is the standard format for a persuasive essay:
p1 Introduction
p2 Discuss your position fully
p3 Discuss the opponent's position
p4 Rebut the opponent's position point by point
p5 Maybe have a final strong paragraph
p6 Conclusion

The essay should have some passion to it, unlike too many of the debates.
(I am just frustrated. Oh, well. It is their grade.)

Friday, December 15, 2006

December 15, 2006

The debates are in full swing! Some are amusing, while others are disappointing. I can't emphasize this enough: be prepared! I suggest students deliver their presentation to someone beforehand. When they are ready to present should NOT be the first time they have spoken their research to someone! If you are interested, here are some things to consider about the scoring:

You get extra points for a proper introduction. (5 points total)
You should have four main reasons for your side with two explanations each. (12 points minimum)
You get two points for each rebuttal. If the other side said four points, that is 8 points.
There is another round for rebuttals (maybe 6 more points)
A good conclusion that incorporates the opponent's weaknesses gets 5 points
Visuals can give you three points
Eye contact can give you five points.

Here are the grades:
30 = A
20 = B
15 = C
14 + 13 = C-
How could one even get a D?

If you look above at the way they get points, it is hard to see how a student could not get an A! Only the winner gets the A, though. The winner gets 5 points for winning. That can push the grade up to the next grade.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

December 13, 2006

Sorry I did not blog yesterday. I guess I forgot.

Homework: pages 76 and 77 in the vocab book
I assigned an outline for the essay in sections 3,6,7
They should be working on their debate presentations and essays

By tomorrow, all classes will be in full swing with the debates. They are fascinating to see, really. Some students are good at presenting their position. Others come up unprepared. Still others don't really turn it on until the rebuttals. But when the class gives me the results, we see who won.

The debates teach the students lessons for writing. I stress good introductions and conclusions. Debate after debate forces the students to observe good organization and bad. They also evaluate the effectiveness of the supports given. It is like every student gets to be the teacher; they give the scores for the debates. For all the time this takes, I think the lessons learned are great. Look for the winners and losers off of the ant debate page on

Monday, December 11, 2006

December 11, 2006

Homework: pages 72 and 73 in the vocab book
work on the debate
maybe they want to start writing the essay that is due next week

The debates are getting closer every day! Today I discussed how the debates will be scored. It's hard, really, to explain how they will be scored until they see it in action. I wanted to show them, though, that they need to have a lot to say. They get points for each good reason and/or explanation of that reason. The more they say, the more points they get. They also get points for a unique introduction, eye contact, visuals, and solid conclusion. They will need to listen during the debate to earn points during the rebuttal round where they refute what the opponent has said.

The essay will be a written version of the debate format. There will be an introduction, a discussion of the main reasons they have for their position, a discussion of the opposition, rebuttal of that opposition, and a strong conclusion. The essay and debate should show depth of thought and a consideration of both sides.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

December 6, 2006

Homework: Keep researching for the ant debate.
Use the sheet I gave you to organize rebuttals for "Hey, Little Ant."

Today we finished the movie in all classes. I had them finish the sheet I created to go along with the movie. I see three themes discussed in the movie: education eliminates prejudice, the world we live in varies as a result of our perspective, and what would the world be like if we discovered "the ant with-in?" I do not have time to write a paper on how each of these is seen in the movie. Like many children's movies, though, this one has plenty for adults to think about. The children will not catch the deeper, spiritual quest that is encourage throughout the movie. This self actualization and guidance is realized through a supernatural belief that the ants have.

Interestingly, the "religion," if you will, of the ants resembles many world religions all in one. Sure, the boys learns that ants are not just stupid. But if you enjoy looking for deeper meanings in a movie, check this one out! (I did not spend much time at all on the religion part. I merely mentioned that the ant religion seems to be comprised of many ideas from many world religions.)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

December 5, 2006

Homework: Flashcards sections 3,6, and 7
Study for quiz 6
Continue researching for the ant debate

Most of the classes are finishing The Ant Bully. I look forward to seeing how the movie will be used in the debates. I see many ways to argue whether the ant should be squished. In some ways, the factual information can help. But since the book is fictional, and the ant is more human, the details from The Ant Bully will help. However, those aren't the only angles that can be discussed. What about bullies? What about morals and ethics? What about laws, both human and in the movie? What about larger guiding ideas, sort of univeral laws?

No, I do not have one specific answer that I want to hear. What I do want to do for the students is teach them how to write a well thoughtout piece that not only proves their position but explains how they are more correct when both sides are considered. It is a big task, and the debates help them to see the many positions. In their minds, they are right. Once they see how many ways this can be argued, they will have to rethink their positions.

Oh, I forgot. The essay position DOES NOT have to be the same position they took during the debate.

Monday, December 04, 2006

December 4, 2006

Homework: Finish Unit 6 vocabulary

I checked the progress of the students today. As expected, some are doing just fine with the research, but too many don't really have much to show. Many had a proper bibliography, but they were lacking abundant notes.

I told the students that they would be standing in front of the class delivering a speech. I don't know how else to put this. If they do not have research, they will look pretty silly! We are watching The Ant Bully examining prejudice and "the ant within." I look forward to how this movie will be incorporated into their debates. Although the movie shows what ants do, not everything is true to life. There are many ways to attack the opponent in the debate. I hope by showing them multiple angles of attack, they will produce a thought out debate with and equally impressive essay that follows.

Friday, December 01, 2006

December 1, 2006

Homework: Be finished taking notes. Have a bibliography ready to show me that you have been researching. Use to format your sources.

All classes are in the middle of watching The Ant Bully. I have created a worksheet that goes with the movie. If you are interested, you can look at it from the assignment page for the ant debate. The goal for the coming week is to finish the movie, do more sentence diagramming, and develop strategies for organizing their essays and debates.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

November 30, 2006

Homework: Completing the sentence unit 6

We spent time researching in class. The honors classes started watching The Ant Bully. More discussion on the movie will follow. When I was doing this debate last year (I have done this for many years), the movie trailer was out. Now that the movie is out, I am figuring out how I will use it with the lesson. Everything I am doing with the kids now is to get them to think critically. They don't just do it naturally. Each day is like doing thinking push-ups. The momentum builds slowly. But once it kicks in, watch out! Wait until it is full steam during the media literacy unit!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

November 29, 2006

Homework: Choosing the right word unit 6
Continue researching for the ant debate

Note: I am not getting the feeling that the students are really taking the research part of the debate seriously. Maybe it is due to the fact that the debate is far off. However, the research is due Monday. I want to see all their notes and a bibliography.

I will be giving them class time to research Thursday. Hopefully they will not waste it talking. I am leading the horses to water, so to say. On Friday, I will show them how to do a bibliography.

Sometime soon we will be watching a little bit of the movie The Ant Bully. Even though it is rated PG, there is nothing that I found objectionable. I watched it with my 9 and 5 year old children. I want some of the students to argue more about the story than just the facts about real ants. There are many angles they can come from.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

November 28, 2006

Homework: 11-20 pictionaries and synonyms unit 6
Finish the handout from class

In class we discussed an article about the cow killer ant, which is actually a wasp: . We read the article to show how as they gather facts for the debate, they should be getting information on both sides. The article had reasons to squish this ant, and there were reasons to not bother squishing the ant. Ultimately, though, we concluded that the information was not even needed for the debate because the ant in the story was NOT a cow killer ant. Since the debate is on the ant in the story, not ants in general, it would be useless to bring up the information in the article. I want the students to become more critical of their resources as they research. The goal of the whole unit is to get the students to think more critically. The reasoning is that a persuasive essay is only good if it has something intelligent to say. Organization and grammar won't matter if the essay says nothing.

Monday, November 27, 2006

November 27, 2006

There is calendar for the month of December at

Tonight the homework is to do pictionaries 1-10 unit 6. That is pretty easy. I also expect them to be researching for the ant debate.

I sent out a grade up-date e-mail this morning. I also gave the students their grades in class. As usual, students are encouraged to get in the make-up work.

I am getting to the scoring of the essays. They should be done in two weeks or so.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

November 21, 2006

No homework. We took quiz 5 today. We also began researching. Please see the requirements for the ant debate at this address:

You can also see the match-ups for the debates.

November 20, 2006

Sorry I did not post this yesterday. I had to leave school suddenly to pick up my son.

The homework for Monday night was to finish unit 5 and be ready for the quiz Tuesday. Sections 3, 6, and 7 were to make flashcards.

In class, but not in section 3, we started the next assignment: ant debate. We read the book Hey Little Ant by Judith Viorst. The story ends with the question, "What do you think that kid should do?" Basically, the students will debate each other about whether the boy in the story should squish the ant in the story. I have been doing this assignment for years, and it goes very well. It is a research project that ends with a debate and an essay. The essay will have a bibliography. It will also be citing the location of the facts mentioned in the essay. If you would like to see the assignment page, it is here: .

Friday, November 17, 2006

November 17, 2006

I changed the due date for the essay. It is due Monday. I wanted to spend some extra time revising the essays.

I also sent out grades by e-mail. Furthermore, I sent home the grade slips to be signed.

We are now finished studying "The Highwayman." I have a new project that we are going to start next week. We will be reading a children's book called "Hey Little Ant." From that story, we will be having debates where the students try to convince the class to choose them as the speaker with the most persuasive argument. It is a great project to do before the winter break.

But I am also thinking about having them write a quick piece. I am reading a book on parenting, and it is asking my wife and me to write what we expect our children to be like on the other side, when we are done raising them I guess. That way we can make all of our decisions based on the final goal. I wonder... What would your children write if they were asked to explain what they think your vision for them is and how close they are to fulfilling it? I am curious. It could spark some interesting discussions.

I will think about this more over the weekend. I love the ant debate, but I am just so tempted to write this piece because they would make great recordings. Also, the next enduring understanding is, "By reaching out to people who are different from themselves, human beings relate to new experiences, ideas, and emotions." I wonder how either the ant topic or this topic relates to the enduring understanding.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

November 15, 2006

Today is my son's 5th birthday!

We reviewed words 11-20, checked the synonyms, and put the pictionaries on the board. It is fun to try to guess what the pictures actually represent. The students have choosing the right word for homework tonight.

We spent the rest of the class discussing the use of quotation marks. I figure I will review the rules before I get the essays. We only got through half of what I wanted to cover. I might push the due date of the essay off until Monday. I want to spend time getting the essays perfect before I read them. When the students get the papers back they do not study my corrections. I want to teach the skills and have them apply them in the paper.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

November 14, 2006

We were in the writing lab. I took the computer score today. There are six scores returned by the computer. I made each worth 10 points for a total of 60 points. When I score the essays, I will give them another 60 points. The students should have their essays in class Wednesday and Thursday. I want to discuss a few ideas for revision so the final drafts do not have as many grammar mistakes as last time.

Due Wednesday: All the pictionaries and the synonyms.

Monday, November 13, 2006

November 13, 2006

We read examples of essays that ranged from 3 to 6. The six paper was amazing. It showed that they should give supports for the author's message, and they should also use lots of quotes. In addition to the quotes, we saw that the quotes needed to be explained thoroughly.

We will be in the writing lab tomorrow. At the end of the lab time, the students will print out their essays, and I will take the grades from the GoMyAccess scoring. On Wednesday and Thursday we will revise the essays and look at how to punctuate the quotes. On Friday, the students will hand in the good papers.

The homework is to have all the pictionaries and synonyms done by Wednesday. I would also like students to work on adding more details to their essays.

Friday, November 10, 2006

November 10, 2006

We were in the writing lab. Monday we will discuss some of the shortcomings of the essays. Many students are simply not including enough examples from the poem. We will look at samples of a 4, 5, and 6(best) essay. Many are also not keeping the paper focused on the author's message. They are just listing details from the poem. Again, this is a tough essay, but the students are getting there. I saw many students who raised their scores and celebrated the improvement. That is nice to see.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

November 9, 2006

We took vocab quiz 4 today. I checked to see that the whole unit was completed as well as the flashcards for sections 3,6,7. We then discussed the idea of analyzing a poem. I created a chart that they could use to take apart a poem. It had five categories.
1. What is the author's message(s) in the poem?
2. What images in the poem show this message?
3. List the actions of the characters that show the message.
- Also, what dialogue demonstrates that message?
4. How is figurative language used to further the message?
Metaphors, similes, alliteration, personification, onomatopoeia
5. Describe your opinion of the message in the poem.

If the students take the time to write to each one of these, I think they will begin to explain what the author is trying to say. They should have a better draft to work on in the writing lab Friday.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

November 8, 2006

We were in the writing lab. I was disappointed with the students today, but I am not sure why. I know the essay is not so easy, but I really get the feeling they are waiting for me to tell them exactly how to write it. I won't. However, I do wish they would have had more written when they came into the lab. Regardless, I will give them a small grade for being prepared today.

The district allowed the model essays to be seen in GoMyAccess. I was not going to have the students look at them because I feel they will steer the students towards what was written in the examples. I really want the students to think about the message of love in the poem. They should figure out how the writer expresses that message through the characters' actions and words. He also expressed feelings about love through figurative language by the way the poem is written. Finally, I expect the students to comment on the message.

I will take them through an exercise tomorrow on a Bob Dylan song, "Spanish Boots of Spanish Leather." It is a love song as well. I hope by doing what I expect for the essay using the song they will get a better idea of what they need to write.

There is a quiz tomorrow, Thursday.

Monday, November 06, 2006

November 6, 2006

The Highwayman essay should be written for Wednesday. We will be in the writing lab, and I do expect the students to have something. I will admit that the topic is difficult, but I have been preparing the students for responding to the prompt. You can see the handouts on the assignment page. I was thrilled when I saw the abstract art the students created for the one worksheet. If I have time, I will scan a few of the really good ones.

They should also have the imagery sheet finished. It is brainstorming for the essay.

They should also have unit 4 completed in the vocab book. I do not count Tuesday as a vacation day. I will be doing school work, and I expect the students to do the same. Look for the marking period grades to be e-mailed Tuesday.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

November 2, 2006

We listened to the "The HIghwayman" today. I don't know how the students feel about the poem, but I love it! I think they like it as well. The hard part is not if they like it, though. The hard part about this prompt is whether they can figure out what the author is trying to say. Then they have to give their thoughts on that message. I would love to tell you what I think the message is, but I want the students to come up with it themselves. I will teach them how to gather details from the text so they can support what they say.

The homework is choosing the right word unit 4, but I told each class that I will not be here Friday, so I will not check that assignment until Monday. They should be ready, though! I will be in Dover benchmarking essays for the DSTP test for the spring. What we do is establish a series of essays as examples of each score: 4,3,2,1. The company that scores the essays uses our scored essays as benchmarks, references. As Delaware teachers, the group scoring the essays is establishing the cut-offs ourselves based on an established rubric. It is not glamorous, but it gives me insight into the scoring process. I get to look at both the stand alone essays and the text-based essays. I will be there Saturday as well. (I get paid.)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

November 1, 2006

Have you checked out the requirements for the next essay? I added two handouts to the page. I believe the prompt is quite advanced for the students, so I am showing them how they can analyze a writer's message. I will not tell them the message of the poem, but I will help them organize thier thoughts.

The homework for tonight is to do the pictionaries 11-20 and synonyms for unit 4.

I have finished the grades for the first marking period. I will send out an e-mail soon with the final grades. I have a few students who have make-up, so I will wait one day for them.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween. No homework tonight. We are rolling along with the study of "The Highwayman."

Monday, October 30, 2006

October 30, 2006

I updated a few things on the web page. The next assignment is listed, and I have shown that grades have been updated recently. The marking period ends this week. I have three grades that need to go in the book: participation, units 1-3 quiz, and the GoMYAccess score on the favorite person essay. I should have the grades done by Friday. I will send out an e-mail.

The goal for this week is to continue our study of sentences and write the next essay on "The Highwayman." The poem and prompt are difficult, but I love the story! I know the students will appreciate the story after we have studied it, but the essay will require some thought. You can see the prompt for yourself if you go to the my web page. We will listen to a dramatic reading of the poem eventually.

I also handed out the homework schedule for the month of November. It is also listed on the web page.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

October 25 & 26, 2006

I did not get to write yesterday. Actually, I forgot. I am so focused on grading the essays. Luckily, they are all done! Yeh, me! I finished section 7 and sent out the updated grades. As far as grades go, I have a few pieces of make-up work, the quiz 1-3, and another participation grade waiting to go in the book. I will also be putting in the GoMyAccess score for the My Favorite Person essay. (I do need to give the quiz to two classes, and I may curve the scores. I want to see how they all did.)

As far as what is coming up, we will begin our next essay next week. We will be studying the poem "The Highwayman." It is a great poem, but it is not very accessible to seventh graders. I am not worried, though. My students did fine on it last year. This will be another GoMYAccess prompt, but I will score this one, unlike the favorite person one.

First marking period is almost over.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

October 24, 2006

Another day. Some classes were in the lab. Others were in class practicing subject/verb and introductions. Some classes have a review quiz tomorrow. Others will be in the lab. All should finish the review unit in the vocab book. It will help them study for the quiz. Sorry to be so vague.

I updated the grades for section 6. I will give the grades to the students tomorrow. I also sent out a grade update for section 6 by e-mail. If you did not get one, you should send me an e-mail to be sure you are on my list. I do get messages that bounce back. Maybe I have the wrong address.

I have graded 100 essays. Only 30 more to go. The main error seems to be knowing how to punctuate sentences. That is fine. What is not fine is a genral lack of proofreading. There are many errors that are unacceptable.

Monday, October 23, 2006

October 23, 2006

This week will be confusing. Different classes are on different schedules. Please check the calendar from . For example, sections 6 and 7 were in the writing lab. That will be their last day until 30 minutes on Friday. Section 1 has a quiz tomorrow. Section 2 will be in the writing lab for the next two days. Ugh.

Sorry I cannot be more specific.

I finished grading the essays for section 3. I have printed the grade slips and will give them to the students tomorrow. I also sent them by e-mail. Most students in the class wrote somewhat detailed essays, but their sentences had many grammar mistakes. Those mistakes kept them from getting the next highest score. In other words, had the grammar been good, they would have gotten one grade higher. Although grammar can be somewhat over looked when scoring, there is a limit, especially when mistakes become distractions. It makes me wish for the days when grammar was most important. Right now, ideas and organization are most important. We will push on. I am teaching sentences in class almost every day. They love it!

Friday, October 20, 2006

October 19th and 20th, 2006

Class is proceeding swimmingly. (I don't really know what that means, come to think about it. It sounds good, though.) I am finished grading the essays for my two largest classes. The remaining three classes should be scored by the end of next week. It's the best I can do.

As I have said before, this week and next are dedicated to grading, so the classes will be doing straight forward lessons on grammar and essay writing. We have been working on subject and verb since the beginning of the year a little at a time. We will continue that through diagramming sentences eventually. That will be fun.

The classes are now starting to get time in the lab. That does not mean that they cannot work on the essays at home on their computers. Since I will be taking the score from the computer, they should be trying as hard as they can to raise their scores.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

October 18, 2006

Most classes finished listening to the ten students who volunteered to read their essays. Now we are beginning the writing lab days. Some classes will be going down while others will be in the classroom. We will be doing a variety of activites over the next few days including vocabulary, grammar, and planning for the favorite person essay.

I finished scoring the essays for section one. I plan to enter the make-up work and get out a small grade update this week. Then I will begin scoring section two. Again, scoring essays takes a lot of time, so I am trying my best to keep up with everything.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

October 17, 2006

I have had a few parents asking what the current writing assignment is. You can find it here: . I asked the students to have a favorite person and some reasons why they admire him/her for Wednesday.

The schedule for the essay is very hard to list. That is why I do not have due dates on the calendar. I am trying to get my students into the writing lab during the two planning periods of other the grades' teachers. Most days I can only get two classes into the lab. The district wants this essay entered by October 31, so I am trying to fit this in.

During class we studied grammar, talked a little about the topic, and we listened to students reading their essays. We will be working on little things in class for the next two weeks. I want them to focus their energies on getting the highest score they can on the GoMyAccess essay. Each day's lessons will be aimed at helping them revise their essays.

Monday, October 16, 2006

October 16, 2006

If your child says that he does not have vocab homework, he is not lying! Over the next two weeks we will be writing a GoMyAccess essay. I believe I have explained this before. This week will focus on reading some of the essays handed in and reviewing units 1-3 vocab. Any review we do will be in class.

The students should have a draft of their essay ready for Thursday. I will post the schedule soon. I really need every available minute for grading essays, so I will not have as much information on the web pages and stuff like that. Sorry.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

October 11, 2006

The students took the quiz on unit 3. Since we did not spend any time on the words in class, I decided to cut them a break on the quiz. That break was dependent on their doing their homework, though. For the honors classes, I allowed them to use the completing the sentence and synonyms activities from the book. They could only use those two pages. For the academic classes, I allowed them to use their flashcards. Since the cards are supposed to have the word, definition, and part of speech, I figured they would be a big help. Plus, if the students did all the activities, they would have practiced how to use twenty more words. The quiz is just the icing on the cake.

I am not sure about our next writing assignment. I would also like to focus more on skills for a little while, so next week we will be doing more grammar and vocabulary exercises. I will take a break from Bob Dylan. The district has prompts they want me to work on anyway. However, we will be listening to 10 papers in class. These will be students who volunteered. I will record them. They love that! (not!)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

October 10, 2006

We have finished typing in the Dylan essays. No, I have no idea what is next. We will probably spend some time sharing some of the better essays. Maybe we will focus on grammar for a little while. We do have a basic essay that we have to write for GoMyAccess for the next time. Maybe we will get a jump on that. Many students can use the program at home. Who knows?

All of the essays have been submitted. I am taking the score the Approximator gave the essays and making it a 50 point grade. Since we were all scored the same, I feel it was fair.(I got a 6 FYI, but my readability grade level was low.) Over the next few weeks (about 20 hours worth of reading), I will grade the essays as a human. Just because Johnny got a 6 from the computer does not mean he writes on a 6 level (out of 6). I will offer some feedback they can apply to their next essays.

There is a vocab quiz tomorrow, but since we did not do much of anything with the unit, I will be allowing the classes to use their books(shhhh). We might spend the next week reviewing units 1-3 instead of doing a regular unit. I will look at the calendar.

If I sound like I don't know what is coming up next, there is a reason. I don't. :) But that keeps it fun. I will coordinate with Ms. Wallace to keep the two of us together.

Monday, October 09, 2006

October 9, 2006

We spent the day discussing the six point rubric. I wanted to show the students the basic idea of how an essay is scored since they receive a score when they submit their essays on GoMyAccess. Then we read an essay that the computer scored as a six. Interestingly, the essay we read would not score a six if a human read the essay. So we discussed the difference between a computer scoring and a human scoring. We thought about what a computer was capable of scoring and how they could improve their essays tomorrow to increase their scores. Tomorrow I will take the computer score and give it to them as a 25 point grade; a six will be an A. I think that is fair even if the computer isn't perfect. We are all being scored by it.

I am revising my essay as well. I scored a six. I had 1500 words and a readability of grade 6.4. After having a friend read it and make suggestions, I improved the flow of the essay, reduced the size by 500 words, but I only raised the readability to 6.8. I must find a way to improve my vocabulary. I enjoy writing for all the prompts I assign.

Homework: The students should be done all of unit 3 for Tuesday. The quiz will be on Wednesday. We haven't really discussed the words, so this unit is one that they have been almost totally responsible for. I will take that into consideration for the quiz.

Friday, October 06, 2006

October 6, 2006

We were in the writing lab today. I was teaching the students how to use the tools provided by GoMyAccess to increase the scores on their essays. The program favors long, detailed essays with excellent vocabulary. There is a feature of the program that counts the number of words and syllables. That provides a grade level readability. Ideally, they should write on or above their own grade level. My writing should also be on grade level. The funny part is my essay had 1500 words but only had a readability of grade 6.4! I have a masters degree! How embarrassing.

I told them that my plan was to reduce my essay by 500 words and improve my vocabulary. I should say what I need to say in fewer words. Honestly, after a few days have passed, I see how I need to revise what I said. I can be more objective in the revision than I was when I was passionately writing.

I will be taking the GoMyAccess score as a 25 point grade. If students score a 6, they can get an A. A five will earn a B and so on. The program is good for sorting out better writers, but it is not perfect. I will score the essays myself afterwards.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

October 5, 2006

We were in the writing lab today. I don't have much to write here. The students should have finished the following vocabulary work: pictionaries 1-20, synonyms, choosing, and completing the sentence. This will keep them on schedule for next week's quiz.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

October 4, 2006

We did not get into the writing lab today. My plan is to use GoMyAccess to revise the papers. If your child used it last you, I think you know a little bit about the program. Basically, it is used to score papers by computer. It works best when students write prompts from the program, but it can still give general feedback for self-generated prompts from the teacher.

Homework for tonight is completing the sentence unit 3. The students should also have a draft of their essay ready to enter into the computer tomorrow. We will be focusing on revising the introductions, word choice, and transitions. Word choice and transitions are easily scored by the computer. Their scores should go up when they add better words.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

October 3, 2006

I was absent yesterday. I am sure your children told you about the sub. Apparently the students were told that the essay was due the next day. I simply wanted the students to use the whole period as writing time. Oh, well. At least they are ahead of the game now because the essay is due Wednesday... but only a good rough draft.

Today we discussed the topic again since the students were not quite sure what I was asking for. So I gave them a little example using the piece I am writing. I study life a lot and think deeply. It drives my wife crazy! But I have been thinking about death and the afterlife lately. So as I was walking into school today, the song "Live Like You Were Dying" was going through my head. Then it hit me. That is what I have been thinking about. Don't our beliefs about the afterlife determine how we live our lives today? Shouldn't they?

In the song, the man who is dying states, "… someday I hope you get the chance
to live like you were dying." Now that he sees his days winding down, he wishes the person listening would live his life as if he were dying. So is it right for me to wish that people think about their death more often? Won’t those thoughts guide how you live today?

I did not get religious in class, but I will be discussing Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism in the paper (as well as I can). I will not post the paper, nor will I share it with the students. It will not be appropriate in a public school setting. But it is what I have needed to say, what has been weighing on my heart. (If you want to read it, send me an e-mail. Hey, if you actually read all this... thanks!)

Friday, September 29, 2006

September 29, 2006

As I said yesterday, I would write more on the current writing assignment. I have this fear that I have not set them up to write the way I had hoped. I had wanted to show them that Bob Dylan was compelled to write things. I believe that is what artists feel, a compulsion to say something because others must hear it. We studied four different songs and watched clips from the "No Direction Home" video.

When I started this current assignment, I hoped to have us think about writing something for ourselves, like Dylan said he did. He said he was not a topical song writer. Well, I don't see how we can write a piece without thinking that what we say isn't important to the listener.

I want to write on t-shirts. I wonder what the effect is on the students wearing them compared to to how they are perceived by others. I have a few articles on the topic that I can refer to. I also have a 9-year-old daughter who wants shirts that say messages I disapprove of. There are other topics I feel I must talk about as well. I am not sure what I will write.

If your child is having trouble thinking of a topic, refer to the list of topics under the handout section of this page: .

I will not be in school on Monday for religious reasons. I am asking that the substitute give them plenty of quiet writing time to work on the essays. I would like a draft due soon so that we can work on introductions and conclusions.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sept. 28, 2006

We took vocab quiz 2. I scored the quizzes. I will hand them back tomorrow. I also plan to hand out grades tomorrow if the program cooperates. Snapgrades must be doing well because they seem to be upgrading a lot! The server is busy often.

We discussed the collages today. I have some ideas for the essay topics, but I need to get to the grades. I will write more on where we stand tomorrow. I think we should be writing the essay next week with a good draft probably due by the middle of the next week. The problem is we have to be in the writing lab. They will be writing two essays at the same time next week. It happens.

Sept. 28, 2006

We took vocab quiz 2. I scored the quizzes. I will hand them back tomorrow. I also plan to hand out grades tomorrow if the program cooperates. Snapgrades must be doing well because they seem to be upgrading a lot! The server is busy often.

We discussed the collages today. I have some ideas for the essay topics, but I need to get to the grades. I will write more on where we stand tomorrow. I think we should be writing the essay next week with a good draft probably due by the middle of the next week. The problem is we have to be in the writing lab. They will be writing two essays at the same time next week. It happens.

Sept. 28, 2006

We took vocab quiz 2. I scored the quizzes. I will hand them back tomorrow. I also plan to hand out grades tomorrow if the program cooperates. Snapgrades must be doing well because they seem to be upgrading a lot! The server is busy often.

We discussed the collages today. I have some ideas for the essay topics, but I need to get to the grades. I will write more on where we stand tomorrow. I think we should be writing the essay next week with a good draft probably due by the middle of the next week. The problem is we have to be in the writing lab. They will be writing two essays at the same time next week. It happens.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sept. 27

Homework: quiz on unit 2 tomorrow. Sections 3,6,7 have to make flashcards.

I am being blown away by the study of the song "Only a Pawn in Their Game." If you get the chance, give it a listen. The song looks like it is about the assassin who killed Medgar Evers, but on closer inspection, it is really about the larger picture. When Dylan says, "But it ain't him to blame," he is really talking about the larger influences that created the man who killed Medgar Evers. The influences are listed in the song: politicians, school, poverty, the KKK, and governors. They are the ones to blame. They are the ones who influenced him.

That made me think. The collages the students made were just the good influences in their lives. However, we are influenced by both good and bad in our lives! We are pulled both ways. I am thinking that our convictions come from that pull. Why do we feel strongly about something? Isn't it because we are being told that we are wrong? We have to hold fast to our beliefs so they don't change. We also try to convince others because we see that they are being pulled so strongly by bad influences.

Do they (do we) even know how we are influenced? Do we need someone to tell us? Are we introspective enough to see our own faults? The people Dylan sang about weren't. They believed racism was good.

I wonder what my paper will be about. What am I convicted of that I believe I must speak about? I said that we are not writing for others, but others will read what I write. So I must write for myself first knowing others must hear it? Or do I figure out a topic that others need to hear that is important to me? Dylan wrote about racism in the South in this song. He saw that many people were too influenced by the evil of racism. The man in the song was so lost that he thought killing a black man was actually the right thing to do.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sept. 24

I have been working hard to catch up the past two days. I should have a grade update by Thursday. Interims will be due soon.

Today we discussed the song "Only a Pawn in Their Game" by Bob Dylan. We read about Medgar Evers and what he contributed to the Civil Rights Movement. The song repeated the idea that the white supremacist who killed him will only be remembered as a pawn, but Medgar Evers was buried in Arlinton National Cemetary. The assassin was not the hero he might have thought he would be. You can see the lyrics here:

I handed out the next assignment. You can see it on the main page of

Homework: finish Unit 2, hand in the collage.

The essay should focus on something that needs to be said, something you are convicted by. I hope to clarify that idea over the next few days... for myself and my students. I did emphasize that they are writing for themselves. They should not be writing what the class needs to hear. That might be tough. I usually write with someone in mind. As teachers of writing, we are always asking the students to keep the audience in mind as they write. It focuses the writing. But I really want to see what I can do when I am writing to please myself. I am not used to that. Because this is something I don't usually do, I am excited to try it.

Again, this Dylan unit is a personal exploration which the students will benefit from experiencing.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Sept. 22

We are rolling right along on the new topic: write what needs to be said. I am backed up with work, so I hope to get a lot done soon. I accumulate many grades throughout the week that need to get entered, like vocab and the stanzas.

I also hope to get some web pages up soon. I am making the download page for the recordings I made last week. I will also have the next assignment up soon. I will let you know when you can listen to your child, provided you gave me permission to post work on the Internet.

Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sept. 21

Wow! What a day! We did so much. We reviewed the vocabulary, handed out grade slips, discussed the next writing assignment, and started thinking about the upcoming collage that will be due. Oh, and we watched more of the "No Direction Home" video!

For homework, they should do the completing the sentence, get the grade slip signed, and start thinking about the collage.

The next writing topic is coming into focus. As Dylan is portrayed in the video, his writing was not about himself. He was not the star that had to create himself on stage. It was like he was the voice of the people. People insisted that he wrote topical protest songs. He explains that he didn't write topical songs. He wrote what he needed to write. People in the video thought that, in a sense, he channeled the energies of the American people in his songs, America’s collective unconscious. “It had taken all the elements I had ever known to make wide, sweeping statements which conveyed a feeling that was the general essence of the spirit of the times.” –Bob Dylan in the movie.

We already wrote the first part of that quote, all the elements. That was part of the “Hard Rain…” essay in where have we been, etc.. Now we will focus MORE on the what will you do now aspect of the song.

Therefore, I want to make the students become aware of the influences on them through the collage. Then, through some searching, they will respond to this question: What need’s to be written? In other words, after reflecting on everything, what needs to be said by you? It’s like when you have been with friends who are doing something wrong, but you don’t want to say something. You should say something!

The students and will be telling each other what needs to be said, just as Bob Dylan did during his time.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sept. 20

Homework: be sure you are finished your stanza for the Bob Dylan song. Also, make sure you do the choosing the right word correctly. I will be scoring it tomorrow.

As far as classwork, we are between pieces. I am still trying to figure out where the next piece is going. As it is now, I think it will be a persuasive piece. I want it to resemble what Bob Dylan did with his songs. He reflected on the world around him and wrote a call to action. Some students said that their last piece was like that as well. True. But this one will be more direct. I want to study a few of the ideas Dylan was commenting on in his songs. In short, I am getting there.

I do plan to do something with the recordings. They are made and in my computer. I want to see if I have time to post them so they can be down loaded. That takes some work. I do not have endless time.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Sept. 19

We finished discussing the vocab words for unit 2. Homework is 11-20 pictionaries and synonyms.

We handed in the Hard Rain stanzas in most classes.

I am trying to find time to update the grades. I hope I can do it Wednesday.

We will be starting a new unit soon. It will be on the idea that Dylan was affected by the world around him. He, in turn, wrote music that would affect those who hear it. We will write something that is designed to impact the group who reads it. This paper will not be recorded. I will think about who we are writing to. It would be cool if there were a way to post papers easily so that we could share them with each other online.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Sept. 18

We finished up the readings today. I will sit down and get them converted into mp3's. I will let you know how you can listen to them soon.

We reviewed words 1-10 unit 2. They have pictionaries for tonight. I had the classes copy the week's calendar into their agendas.

We started the wrap-up activity for the "Hard Rain ..." song. You can view the requirements here:

I am not sure if you are aware, but there is a recording of the vocab words. You can listen to them at . We are using level B.

Sept. 15

I did not blog today. Sorry. It was a busy week. It was nice to meet the parents who came out to the Back to School night.

In class we are wrapping up the recordings. I hope to start a new writing topic this week.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

September 14, 2006

It was a day. We took the vocab quiz, studied subject and verb using the daily drill, and we continued with our readings. I am in an in between time, although the class is moving forward. I am trying to finish recording the first pieces, but I am trying to think about the next piece so that I will be ready. I guess this is what I enjoy about the job. I am a person who creates lessons from other lessons, namely literature and poetry. I create students who can express what they think. But first I have to get them to think!

I want to base the next piece from a Bob Dylan song, but all that seems to come to me are his protest songs from the early albums. The problem is the two pieces the students will have read in Reading are not really about protest. One is "Thank You, M'am" by Langston Hughes, and the other is "Names" by Julie Alverez. The first is about a woman who gives a boy (who was trying to steal her purse) dinner and a lesson. The second is about a girl from the Domican Republic as she struggles with her name and her roots in school in New York. They are not political in nature, but the authors were commenting on what they saw happening around them and to them.

I am thinking about a few songs where Dylan expresses his hope that things will change, especially in his times in 1962 and 1963 during the Civil Rights Movement, John F. Kennedy and war, and the need for freedom for those oppressed by forces greater than them. He saw that "The Times They Are A-Changin'." They needed to be changed.

We are to look at cause and effect. I wonder... How did the authors of the two stories express their ideas that something needed to change? How were they commenting on the world that was going on around them through their stories? What caused them to write? What forms of writing can be used to persuade? Did either of the stories move you? Maybe we could write either an autobiographical piece, or, if you can, a story with dialogue, where the goal of the piece is to make the reader think about how he/she views life/people/themself.

The hard part would be teaching the students how to look around themselves enough to reflect on that world. Maybe we could do a collage of photographs to brainstorm, a visual representation of what they notice about the world or what they would like to change.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sept. 13

I am sure you are hearing horror stories that we are reading pieces in front of the class. Don't believe all of it. It's not that bad, although there are a few student who crack under the pressure. I assure you, it will get better. They have many more they will have to do.

Today we finished up the vocab unit. Sections 3,6, and 7 have to make flashcards for the quiz. They should use them to study.

I also handed out grade slips. I sent them home as well. These are to show the students what they have missed. The first two weeks might be overwhelming. They should have the make-up work ready for Friday.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Sept. 12

Not much to say. We did a daily drill, reviewed the vocab, and continued to read the pieces outloud. I have tested the e-mail addresses. As far as I know, I only have about 15 that came back. That is great. Thank you to those who sent me an e-mail. It made the process much more accurate this year.

Homework is to finish Unit 1 in the vocab. I would recommend making flash cards soon so they can be used to study for Thursday's quiz.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Sept. 11, 2006

Class is moving right along. The first essay was turned in today, and we are now in the long process of recording them in front of the class. Today I demonstrated how it is done. I was fortunate because I got five chances to practice reading mine and recording. I will post my essay and recording soon. I hope to post the recordings of the students as well. I like to have recordings of my children. I will explain that later. Let's just say we have 26,000 digital pictures on our computer at home!

Homework for tonight is completing the sentence in the vocab. There will be a quiz on Thursday. Sections 3,6, and 7 are making flashcards. The cards should have the word on the front and the definition on the back. They should also have the part of speech.

Grades will be done this week. I will send out an e-mail with that information later this week. I also look forward to seeing you at Back to School night this Thursday at 6:30.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Sept. 8

The good draft of the essay is due on Monday. I plan to have the students read their essays to the class. I will record them on my computer and make mp3 files from them. I admit, it is a little early to get the kids up in front of the class, but the lesson, I believe, is invaluable. The essay must sound good to the ear.

I will be reading my own as well. I think I finally got it. I will post it on my web site when I am done. It has taken me three three-page tries to finally figure out what I had to say in a nice 1 1/2 page essay. That is fine with me. I find that when I have something I have to say, there is a strong urge to write. That urge subsides only when I am satisfied that I have written what needed to get out. Even after three starts, I was not satisfied. I would have kept going, but luckily it all came together.

If the students do not hand in the essay on time, the paper is graded two grades down. Just letting you know. Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sept. 7

I would like a rough draft of the current essay due Friday. I have set the due date for the final draft for Monday. The good draft must be hand written. I am using this as a diagnostic essay. I want to see what the DSTP readers will be seeing. Most essays during the school year will be typed. I would like to see the quality of the students' handwriting. It matters.

For vocab homework, the students are to do the Choosing the Right Word in the book.

Today we put some pictionaries up on the board and tried to guess what they were. I like having the students try to draw the word. It makes them think about the word in a different way. The more ways the students can work with the words the better.

I am working on my essay as well. I have a 2 1/2 page typed rough draft. That is after two other multi-page starts. I was having trouble figuring out what I wanted to write.

The essay should be about what they have seen/heard/been/met in life, what they have learned, and what they will do now with that realization. I want them to write to an older generation. That is where I was having trouble. I realize the older generation has some wisdom, unlike the way Bob Dylan felt in his times.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sept. 6

Today we did a daily drill and checked the pictionaries from last night. I had to remind the students to not use letters, numbers, or symbols in the pictionaries.

I also pointed out that too many students have not turned in the first assignment, the internet permission form. If this is a foretaste of things to come, I am not pleased. Just to let you know, when an assignment is turned in late in my class, the grade is lowered two grades. That means that the essay starts at a C if it is late.

I gave the students time to write in class. I am expecting that much of the writing of the first essay is done outside of class. I will be writing my essay outside of class. I will find quiet time to get my work done. I expect the students to do the same.

The students are a little unsure about the topic. But so am I. I wrote a draft of something today, but I am not sure if it is what I want to write on. But it is something. I encourage the students to begin writing something called a barf draft if they are having trouble getting started. Just see what comes out. Then see what you can do with the results.

The homework for tonight is pictionaries 11-20 unit 1 and the synonyms in the vocab. They should also be working on the essay.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

September 5, 2006

Today we took care of business and looked at the writing topic again. I handed out the vocab books. For those who did not pay yet, I loaned them a book until they do. The first assignment for tonight was to draw pictures for each of the 10 words. The publishers of the book now have an oral reading of the words. You can find it at We are using level B and are on unit 1. The woman read the words and reviewed usage. She is doing what I always did. Since the mp3 can be downloaded, it might be an interesting way to study. Who knows? Maybe the students will put it on their iPods.

Most classes watched a 12 minute piece from the Bob Dylan movie we will be watching periodically. I was trying to give them a small idea of what he was like. I wanted to emphasize that an artist takes the world he sees around him, processes it, and creates something we appreciate, like a song. Bob Dylan saw the world as many did, but he was able to put it into words. He spoke for his generation, even though he said he did not. He was just writing.

I want the kids to think about what they have seen, where they have been, what they have heard, who they have met, and what they have learned. I want them to write an essay saying what they will do now with that information. Sure, the topic is deep. But I can't wait to see what they write!

Friday, September 01, 2006

August 31, 2006

Sorry I did not blog at the end of the day. I have to get back into the habit of doing it before I leave school. I really thought I would get a chance when I got home. With two young kids, I should have known better.

Thursday, we did our first daily drill. Each day, when class starts, I will have some activity on the screen to copy and correct, or reflect on. Most times it will be two sentences to be corrected. That way we can have a grammar lesson every day. While I will cover grammar in small units, it never hurts to review the rules. I expect the students to keep the daily drills organized in a folder or notebook.

We also finished listening to the song. We discussed what Dylan was trying to say, although the song is bizarre at times. Some students are having difficulty figuring out what to write. I guess it is difficult to see how to write an essay when we have studied a song. But think of it like this. You are using the song to get you thinking about the subject: what have you seen in this world, and what have you learned? Let that idea float through your head this weekend. Your job, then, will be to speak to us, reflecting on the events of your life, telling us what you have figured out about life so far. We, then, as your audience, will take what you have learned and your events, roll them around in our heads, compare them to our own, and try to see the world a little differently as a result of hearing how you see it. As a writer and artist, my job is to get you to rethink how you see the world. That is also why I teach.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

August 30

Well, I was not in school yesterday because my daughter was sick. Oh well. What can you do? The students worked on the diagnostic grammar test.

Today the first period class had an assembly. The rest of the classes did the following. I collected the rest of the vocab money. I still need it from many students. We discussed, and I gave the a tour of my web page. Then we discussed the first piece of writing.

The homework for tonight is to get the internet form filled out. I would like the paper signed and returned. I would also like each student and parent to send me an e-mail. Last year I had many errors after entering the e-mails because handwriting is hard to read. I will just copy and paste the addresses from the e-mails. I will count it as a small grade. Unless there is not e-mail access, I expect an e-mail.

We started the first writing assignment. You can find the assignment and requirements on the main page of It is listed under the current assignment on the right. I like to pick topics that make us think about ourselves and our place in the world. The topic is also part of the first theme for Language Arts: Human beings learn about life by making connections to themselves, others, and the world around them.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Welcome to the 2006-2007 School Year!

This is the first post of the new school year. I do not have much to say about the first day of school. It was a blur! In this blog, you will find daily messages. Many times it will just be the class assignments we did and the homework. Other times it will be my thoughts on how things are going in class. Maybe, if you are lucky (sarcasm), you will get my thoughts on life! Anyway, if you checked out and clicked through to here today, thank you! I will see you in class tomorrow where we will be finishing a diagnostic grammar test. Then we will start our first writing assignment based on a the Bob Dylan song, "A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall."

Homework: Get vocab book money to me ASAP

Monday, June 12, 2006

Final Blog for the School Year

So, how do I think the school year went?  I think it
went well.  It was not what I had planned, but it went well over all.
The beginning of the school year was rough because of
GoMyAccess.  The district mandated that I use the tool, and I think it had
some merit.  But it also interfered with how I teach writing.  I
guess, like anything new, it will take some time to incorporate it into my
Persuasion and critical thinking are the focus of my
teaching.  My belief is that if you want a student to write a better
persuasive paper, you must teach the child to be better at persuading. 
You must teach him how to find something intelligent to say.  As luck
would have it, this year's prompt for the DSTP was persuasive.  The scores
looked good, and I would like to take credit for that, but I DO NOT.  I
will not get into why I feel that way, but I am please and proud of the
students for their performance.
The year ended abruptly for me.  In the beginning of
the year, I had great plans for the final presentation.  I thought that we would have been much
farther in our study of blues to hip-hop.
Instead, the GoMyAccess writing took up more time than I ever imagined.
  And I am sure that is a good
  Plus, as the time allotted
for the unit changed, I focused more on research and writing, making sure that
no one would be able to question how the unit covered the required DSTP
  The result was a more
in-depth study of the blues, poets of the Harlem Renaissance, and Malcolm
  The downside is I was not able
to follow through on the planned hip-hop performance.
I did want to comment on my Malcolm X unit. After I
finished showing the movie and discussing the events in his life, I started to
question where I was going with the unit. 
I showed some of the movie last year, but this year I showed it all
(minus inappropriate scenes).
thought studying the story of his life would show the background behind his
dramatic speeches and statements.
I wanted to show the reason for the passion, not just the idea that one
should act passionately.
  I still
feel showing the movie was useful.
But a student brought up a good point.
  He said that we could have just studied his speaking style
and left out all the religious stuff that was in the movie.
  In a way, I agree.  But in another way, as literature and
biographical study, I found studying his story fascinating.
  Maybe the focus was not all writing,
but I am glad they got the opportunity to study this controversial man and the
turbulent times he lived through.
 I guess I feel like it is something they should know about,
just as I have learned about him.
When it comes time to study speech making next year, I
will reflect on the lessons from this year.  But, I will say that I recorded some great speeches.  For a few minutes, each student had the
opportunity to persuade the class through words, music, and pictures.
  Some speeches were quite moving.  Now, whether watching Malcolm X helped
create that passion is debatable.
I will think about this more next year.

Did I accomplish everything I set out to do this
year?  Sure.  If your child showed up prepared to
listen and work, he learned more about the art of communication.
  His writing would have grown as well
has his outlook on life.
  There are
test scores that the district works hard to produce to prove that I, in fact,
did my job.
  But being an artist
using the medium of children, I know by feel that I did what I was supposed
  The impact will differ from
child to child, and it might not even be felt for years to come, but I know I
made an impact on each of my students.
In the beginning of the year, the mountain looks so big.
  Now that I am on top, I look forward to
climbing a new one next year.

I hope you have found all of this communication
useful.  I worked very hard to keep
you informed of, not only your child’s grades, but what I am shooting for in
each lesson and why I feel what I am teaching the children is important.
  Who knows?  Maybe I even made you think about a few new things this
  Trust me, I hope I did. 

Friday, June 02, 2006

June 2, 2006

Sorry I have not been keeping up with this on a daily basis.  I have been spending my time finishing up grades for the year.  

I sent home a grade slip this week.  I asked that it be signed.  Very soon I will enter the last few grades: vocab final, speech grade, signed grade slip, and grammar grade for speech.  The year is not quite over even though the students think so.  I am going to spend the weekend making the final push.

I also hope to make all the files I have made this year available somehow.  Last year I made a DVD of every recording of all my students.  If you would like a copy of just your child's works, please send a blank CD with them or give me 50 cents.  I will organize the files and burn them to a cd.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

May 30, 2006

I sent this message home with a grade update:

There are only a few more grades that need to be entered for the end of the year: vocab final (75 points), speech grade (75 points), and grammar reading of their speech that was handed in (25 points).  And they must get this grade slip signed (10 points).

The year is wrapping up.  I will send out the final grade update AFTER I have submitted my grades.  I plan to submit them by the end of next week, June 9.

Just to make you aware, I have made many recordings of your child this year: Katrina essay, blues song, Harlem Renaissance poetry reading, and their autobiography piece.  These are mp3's which can be played using iTunes and Windows Media Player.  They can also be played on the portable devices.  (I am also recording half of the students' persuasive speeches as videos.  Ask your child if he/she was recorded.)

If you would like a copy of all of your child's files, send a CD to school or 50 cents.  Let me know if you want an audio CD you can play in a player or a data CD with the files for your computer.  (The videos will only be burned as files for the computer.  They will be sized for the video iPod.)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

May 24, 2006

I am sorry I have not updated this blog in a few days.  I have been so busy with school work.  I have been a planning machine.  It takes a lot of work to make the Malcolm X unit come off smoothly, especially when I do every assignment they do.  I recently finished my persuasive speech.  It took me at least 5 hours to write and create the podcast.  I still have more to go.  

I believe that when the kids see me doing the same work they do, it inspires them to do their best.  One of the reasons I like teaching is I like doing the projects!  Call me crazy, but I enjoy the fact that I have a speech due!  If you would like to hear my speech, you can download it from the Malcolm X assignment page or the main page.

There is a quiz on unit 15 tomorrow, and the speech is due Friday.  They also have a vocab final next Thursday.  Then that is it!  The speeches will take days to do, and they should be very entertaining!  I am not sure if I am going to record them.  I might video tape some of them.  I cannot spend all my time making videos at the end of the year.  The clock is ticking!

Interesting...  I tried to research the Nation of Islam from school the other day.  The State firewall blocks the content due to, "violence/hate/racism."  Hum...  I guess my students won't be researching the organization Malcolm X was involved with any time soon.

Friday, May 19, 2006

May 19, 2006

For most classes, we are finished watching the movie.  I will spend next week preparing them for the speeches that will begin on Friday.  I suggest they work on them this weekend.

Not surprisingly, many students still do not know what they will write on.  Procrastination.  I suggested they write on their genetic disorder they are researching for science.  They can explain what they thought before they learned about it, how they feel now, and what they will do with that information.  What should we do now that they have taught us about it?  One girl says that students should be kinder to Meadowood students.

Another idea would be to argue for or against the Malcolm X unit.  I will argue that it is a great unit.  In fact, I am rethinking my original idea.  What if I could write a speech that I could read to students BEFORE we begin the unit next year?  What if I create a speech that fires students up and makes them anxious to begin the unit?  That would be cool!

Malcolm X died 41 years ago, during the height of the Civil Rights Movement.  I am 37; therefore, I was not around during that time.  But I am a child of parents who were, and their parents fought in WWII.  The history of the struggle is in my family's time.  I do wonder about students today.  Do they understand the struggle, or are they free of the effects whites imposed on blacks all those years?  

I do wonder if the Civil Rights Movement is still relevant.  But I do not see total equality.  But after watching the movie, I do see progress today.  I am not sure if America is racially blind.  And I do beleive there is a class system that separates people socio-economically.  I am not proud of that fact.

I look forward to writing my essay.  I especially look forward to hearing what the students have to say!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

May 17, 2006

Homework: Pictionaries and Synonyms Unit 15

I handed out grade slips today.  I did not require them to be signed.

Students are having trouble finding a topic for their persuasive speeches.  The topic does not have to be deep.  It just has to have the proper format of how they felt before they knew the problem, how they felt once they learned about the problem, and what they/we should do about the problem.

As I will say in my speech on why we should study Malcolm X, I did not know much about him.  I learned about him through reading and the movie.  I feel it is necessary, now, to study him in class.  I will prove that this unit is valuable, not just for a life lesson, but it will teach children about being committed to a cause and how to speak on something important.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

May 16, 2006

This is what I sent home in the grade update today: 

These grades should provide a more accurate picture of how the students are performing this marking period.  There are more homework grades, another quiz grade, and more classwork assignments.  The poetry reading was frustrating.  Many students did not take the time to prepare.  Some did not even write an introduction.  I finally just made all the students go.  Some actually did well on the reading part.  Imagine how well they could have done had they prepared!

There are plenty of grades left in the marking period.  There is a link to the requirements for the Malcolm X movie we are watching.  You will find that on my classroom web page.  The students are filling out a question sheet as part of a guided viewing.  Throughout the movie I am pointing out how Malcolm X changes and what causes him to change.  Sure, many of his early statements were controversial, but they deserve to be heard and critiqued based on our current society. 

I will be writing my persuasive speech on how I believe Malcolm X should be studied and how I think this unit will have an impact on the students.  I have already been impacted by the movie.  I find it inspirational.  I will post my essay when I am done.

If you have questions about the grades, please feel free to e-mail me.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

May 11, 2006

All of the Harlem Renaissance poetry readings are done.  I now have to convert each recording to an mp3 so that I can include them on the end of the year disc.  That disc will include all the recordings we have done throughout the year.  I will put them onto a DVD for posterity; you are welcome to buy one.  I assume you have not heard any of the recordings.  

The homework is to finish up unit 14.  I also asked them to bring in song lyrics of a writer who is searching for himself or has found his place/purpose in this world.  It will be a small class grade.

If your child says we are watching Malcolm X in school, please note that I am taking care to only show parts of the movie that I think explain how Malcolm X found his place in the world and how he searched for Truth. (I am also not showing any curse words.)  He was as great a man as a human can be, meaning, he was with fault like all of us.  There will be some discussions about his philosophies, and his religion was his guide, but the unit is not about the Nation of Islam or religion.  It is about Malcolm X and his stuggle for his black identity.

I want the students to see why he should be remembered.  I want them to know that there was another activist who had other plans for equality in America.  I want them to see a man struggle with himself to figure out who he is.

Ultimately, I want students to emulate the writing and speaking style and stand before the class with conviction.  I want them to search out a cause worthy of our attention and their efforts to present it to us.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

May 10, 2006

Today was a weird day. I only saw three classes: sections 7,1, and 2. They were longer classes.

Homework varies from class to class because of the weird days. The schedule is on my classroom web page.

We are starting to study Malcolm X. When things calm down, I will make a web page explaining the final project. As it stands now (and that will change) I am looking for a presentation that is individual, incorporates visuals and music, and has some written aspect that expresses how they see their place/purpose in this world. We have been studying blacks finding their identity. In the movie on Malcolm X, we will see that he went through many changes in how he saw himself and the world.

More will come later.

For Friday, I asked the students to find lyrics to a song where the writer has found or is exploring his/her place in the world. One example is the Indigo Girls, "Closer to Fine." I look forward to seeing what they come up with. I don't want to see rappers who are just bragging. I hope to see some truth in the lyrics.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

May 8, 2006

I handed grade slips out today.  They did not need to get signed.  Interims are due Wednesday and will be sent out on the 15th... I think.

We are beginning unit 14 in vocab and trying to finish up the poetry readings from the Harlem Renaissance.  

Giving grades has been difficult with the disruptions of spring break and Cape Henlopen.  There are more disruptions in the next two weeks as students take the NWEA testing.  Many days I will be missing one or two classes.  

As always, I have the assignments posted in my classroom.  The students are responsible for making sure they stay up to date even if we miss class.

Friday, April 28, 2006

April 28, 2006

We are now into reading the poems.  In order to get a B, they must read the poem with no errors in rhythm or pronunciation.  Any errors lowers the score to a B- or eventually a C.  An A reading is expressive and contains emotion.  I gave examples in class, and we read a few poems so they could learn a little bit about interpreting poems.

The problem in many classes is students are not prepared with their introductions.  When it is time to read, they are not ready.  That is a grade down.  Not being ready is the only way a student could get a D.  Otherwise, any reading could get a C.

Next week will be crazy.  I will not see my usual students, so there will be no homework, and we will not be reading the poems.  We still are not doing vocab.  That will start back up the following week.  We have 14 and 15 to finish as well as a vocab final.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

April 27, 2006

Signed grade slips were collected today.  Not many were turned in.  Getting them signed is a grade.

Today also was another example of how hard it is to get a good grade this MP.  Many students were absent.  Also, students were supposed to have written an intro for the poem reading, but I still had students wondering what their poem was!  I explained this before break and every day up until today.  Again, I am just going to plow forward.  I will try to keep you and the students informed of all collected assignments.  I list them on the board in class as well as post them on the calendar from this web site.

Next week will be interesting.  Students will be assigned to groups and travel through five academic teachers.  They will be completing assignments for each of the teachers.  They will be responsible for working in each class.  The week will not be a party.  Now, for those going on the Henlopen trip, it will be!  I will be going during the first half of the week.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

April 26, 2006

We finished the history of the Harlem Renaissance today.  The students should now have a completed outline of the period which they will use when they figure out what their poem means.  They will need that for their introduction as well.  That outline will be handed in tomorrow in class.

Thursday we will begin reading the poems aloud.  I will demonstrate what I am looking for, and we will discuss the first few students to read.  I will record all the readings for posterity.

The grade slips were sent home today.  They should be signed.

Monday, April 24, 2006

April 24, 2006

I posted the best songs from the blues songs recording sessions.  You can listen to them here: .  I made the songs so that when you play them on an iPod, a picture of the students singing will appear as artwork.  Creating the songs did take a lot of time, but I love to create things for posterity.  I hope the students will keep these files and appreciate them when they are older.  I also hope that I can find storage options so that I can keep their files handy.  If they ever stop by, it would be nice to show them what they sounded like years before.  But my laptop can only hold so much.  Even my 20GB external drive is getting filled by past years' files.  Donations welcomed!  (joking) ... (um sort of joking)

The students should be ready to explain a topic assigned to them before the break.  They had at least two days in the writing lab to research.  The requirements are listed on the Harlem Renaissance assignment page.

I will be handing out grades tomorrow if everything goes well.  I have them on paper.  I just need to enter them into the computer.  I have taken so long because the research papers overwhelmed me.  Sorry about that.

April 13, 2006 (I forgot to post this that day.)

The students are currently working on exploring the times surrounding the Harlem Renaissance.  Wednesday we reviewed some of the topics they explored in the writing lab the previous day. Today, Thursday, we will go to the lab again so that they can get the research they need to present their poem to the class.  

I have listed a specific way to read the poem.  The most important part of the reading is creating an introduction to set the stage for reading.  A reading of a poem is not just a recitation of the words.  The reading adds to the piece.  One way that is done is through preparing the audience by setting a purpose for listening.  Since we in the audience do not have time to read the poem over and over, the preparation allows us to listen for something, focuses our attention towards a specific message.

Today we will work on exploring the lives of the writers and research the poems.  My goal is to give those who do not have access to computers at home time to gather their information.  I will give examples of how to read poems when we return from break.

Everything is spelled out on the worksheet.  You can find it under the Harlem Renaissance assignment web page.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

April 11, 2006

I updated many of the pages on the classroom web page.  Therefore, I ran out of time to write this entry.  Sorry.

On Tuesday, we went to the writing lab to do some research.  I need the students to understand the times surrounding the Harlem Renaissance.  This way, they can be more expressive when they read their assigned poem because they will know what the writer is trying to express.  For example, if they do not know what lynching is, they will not understand the despair the poet is trying to express.

I used the timeline from the Negro Baseball League movie as the basis for studying the background of the times.  The movie examines the struggles of blacks from the Restoration after the Civil War up through Brown vs. Board of Education in 1956.  We are examining how blacks struggled to form their identity in a society that did not always accept them as equals.

Ultimately, I want the students to be examining themselves.  The final project will project their understand of themselves and their place in the world as they see themselves today.  Just as the black writers of the Harlem Renaissance were excited to explore their roots and express their hopes for the future, I want to see the students expressing themselves through a creative presentation.

Monday, April 10, 2006

April 10, 2006

No homework.  I will update the pages soon.  I am trying to wrap up the media essays, plan the next unit, and update the grades by Thursday.  Sorry.  I don't have time for more.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

April 6, 2006

I have not been so diligent with these entries as I have been in the past.  I guess I am prioritizing.  I do have a calendar linked to my home page.

Lately we have been recording our blues songs.  I have to process each one of them individually, so it will take a little while to get them all done.  I am also still grading media essays.  My time is limited.   When I do find time, I will make recordings available.  I probably won't post them all on the internet as before, but I will look into it.  Most likely, I will make CD's available for a small cost.

Next week we will do daily drills and a root word packet.  The packet will be homework, but I will discuss the words on Monday.  We will also be beginning the Harlem Renaissance study.  The blues recordings are taking longer than expected.

Monday, April 03, 2006

April 3, 2006

The recording of our blues songs is under way! I think I will go crazy by the end because most of the students have chosen the same song: John Lee Hooker's "Boom Boom Boom." We are making recordings using Garage Band which I will save as MP3's. I will also be adding their pictures to the song so that when you listen to the songs on iTunes, their pictures will appear on the player. That includes iPods as well.

Homework is to finish unit 13 in the vocab. This week we will have a quiz on Wednesday. We will also be recording the songs for as long as it takes. After that, we will begin a study of Harlem Renaissance poetry. They will be responsible for finding a poem and performing it for the class. Again, I will record them.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

March 29, 2006

I realized that I did not blog that much last week.  Wow, what a crazy week.

Today we checked the pictionaries and synonyms in class.  Tonight's homework was to do the choosing.  Section 3 did them in class.

We studied one last blues artist today.  I always like to add onto what I did the previous year.  I decided we should at least look at John Lee Hooker.  We listened to the song "Boom Boom Boom."  I told the students I would make a blank version of the song so we could add our own lyrics.  That is now on the blues assignment page.

I do take the blues song seriously.  I hope the students take the time to prepare for the performance.  I know I will!  I work very hard on these lessons because I love doing them.  Many of the performances will be ok, but a few will be awesome!  We all excel at different things.  We also learn through different styles.  I try to appeal to many styles.  

March 28, 2006

I updated some pages on  I guess that is why I forgot to post my blog yesterday.  

On Tuesday, we were getting back into a classroom swing.  We are doing daily drills on commas and other grammar issues every day for the rest of the year.  I have a link to the file we use on the screen in class.  Kids are copying and correcting.  It's mostly boring stuff, but it needs to be covered.

We also got back into vocabulary.  We are currently in unit 13.  For homework, they were to make pictionaries and complete the synonyms.

We also studied some blues songs and discussed how they fit into the classic blues format.  We wrote a short song as a demonstration of what they should be doing for Monday.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

March 27, 2006

I was out sick.  I did notice that there were a few days on my calendar that were not labeled correctly.  March 31, Friday, is an in-service day.  Also, next week, April 6 and 7 are half days for conferences.  That will affect the schedule for the performances.  Oh well, I can only plan so far ahead.

Friday, March 24, 2006

March 24, 2006

I have been overwhelmed to say the least.  Between testing, grading the media essays, and planning for the blues unit, I am done for the week. 

Have a relaxing weekend.  You can check out the requirements for the current unit from the calendar here: .  This calendar shows most of the assignments through the end of the year.

Monday, March 20, 2006

March 20, 2006

I had sections 3,6, and 7 today.  Just as I did for sections 1 and 2 the other day, we started the next unit.  If you look on the classroom webpage, you will see the current assignment on the upper right.  There is a calendar of all the assignments coming up.  

I will explain the unit in further detail when I get a chance.  I have done it in the past, but this time I am doing all the assignments one after the other.  In years past, I have spread them out. 

There is no homework this week.

Friday, March 17, 2006

March 17, 2006

What a week.  I am wiped out.  I do plan to spend Saturday grading, though.  The research papers will take 30 hours to grade.  I have to get started.

I posted the final unit.  It will take the whole 4th marking period.  I have almost every assignment planned.  That certainly means that things will change!  :)

If your child starts talking about the blues, they are not sad about DSTP!  We are going to start studying that style of writing and singing.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

March 16, 2006

Wow!  What a day.  Only five more test days.

Today we practiced extended response questions.  There is no homework.

I am in the process of planning the rest of the year.  Check out the current assignment on the classroom page.  Wait until you see what your child will be doing!  Better yet, wait until they see what they will be performing!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

March 15, 2006 update

Parents, I am very disappointed by the postings I have come across on MySpace.  I made a profile and became part of the community.  I was invited to be friends of students, yet what I found bothered me.  

I found foul language.  That is understandable, but still, what the students said changed the way I view them in class.  I also found pictures.  The images the media offers children are mirrored in their poses, many of which I would term sexy.  A few pictures were flat out inappropriate, and if they were of my daughter, I would die of embarassment!

After much discussion with Mr. Kennedy and people in the district, including the district lawyers, there isn't much we as a school can do to control what students post.  It is not our job to protect them from the dangers of their actions online in their homes.  The site is considered out of school.

If you are curious about the site, please contact me.  I can direct you to resources to explore so you can protect your child.  As it stands now, that is all I can do, protect my own children.

March 14, 2006

DSTP is starting THURSDAY.  There is no homework until testing is over.  Each of my classes until then will just be practicing skills for the test.  I will give grades based on participation.  As long as the students are paying attention and doing the work, they will get a good grade.  Since the schedule is so crazy with testing, there will be many days I will not see all of my students.  It is difficult to plan for.

Monday, March 13, 2006

March 13, 2006

We read each other's media literacy essays.  I can't wait to read them!  Seriously!

There will be no homework through DSTP.  Oh well.  I guess they get a break!

That's it.  I will be getting the classes ready for DSTP testing.

My essay is on the media literacy page.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

March 9, 2006

We reviewed one of the two versions of my essays for the media literacy paper.  Check out the assignment page to view them.

I asked the students to have even more of their papers written for tomorrow.

I gave grades out to sections 7, 1, and 2.  They should get them signed. 

No time to write.  Battery on laptop at 15min.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

March 8, 2006

We just worked in the writing lab today.  I would like sections 1 and 2 to present their research to the class tomorrow and have something we can read.

I would like sections 3,6,7 to have as many paragraphs as possible written for tomorrow.  There is an outline on the media literacy page of my website.  I have two days to help them smooth out their papers and teach them how to cite information.

The paper is still due Monday.  See the requirements on the website.

Right now I am organizing my notes for my paper.  I want to say that split sponsorship and the push to expand the NASCAR fanbase away from its traditional demographics might cause me, in particular, to stop wanting to follow the sport.  I am a fan of the driver.  I know drivers need support, but don't take advantage of your fans!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

March 7, 2006

I have spent my time the afternoon updating the messages on the main classroom page.  Please see them.  Under the Messages page I gave a brief explanation of the MySpace controversy that Mr. Kennedy and the PTA are looking into, as well as many other school across the nation.

The students worked in the writing lab today.  Please see the media literacy assignment page for more details about the essay.  It is worth 200 points, and the students must not only demonstrate that they have learned the material from the last four weeks, they must show how they have applied it to their own lives.

The essay is due Monday, March 13.  Please help your child find the time to complete the essay on-time.

Monday, March 06, 2006

March 6, 2006

Sections 1 and 2 today:
I might need to explain today's lesson.  In my sections 1 and 2 we discussed  Well, let's just say that I had an interesting way of starting the discussion!

I had them write a short note to a friend.  Then I had them write a short note back.  For the next round I told them that they must (if comfortable with it) add curse words. As you can imagine, they were... excited!  At least in section 1.  Section 2 was a little more reserved.  (They thought something was up.)

Section 2 was so proud of their cursing, and they could not wait to show their friends.  The trick was, I was collecting them instead!  But they weren't so nervous.  They asked for theirs to be read aloud.  I substituted words and went through a few.  They thought it was great.  This was not the response I was looking for.

Then I told them that I was reading their MySpace accounts.  I found a way to bypass the security.  I can read anything in the comments sections.  That means, whenever they make comments on friends' pages, their picture is right next to it.

It was disappointing to read these for so many reasons.  First, it changed the way I saw them.  The innocent girl in glass curses and talks about sex freely on the pages. If they curse that way in private, that is their business, but this is not private... and if I had not found anything, maybe I would trust them.  Supervision is needed!

My Kennedy is aware of today's lesson.  He gave his approval to discuss this ongoing problem.  I truly worry about the children because this stuff is posted on the Internet.  I feel it is my duty as their teacher to help them learn about, not only the dangers of posting sexual material, but they should think about the effect their words have on their image.

In short, it was quite a lesson today. 

Friday, March 03, 2006

March 3, 2006

Today was mega-logo day.  Here are the results:
Section       Total          per student
1                1,788              59.6
2                800                 28.57
3                641                 35
6                727                 27.96
7                1,720              74.77

Today's lesson was on NASCAR sponsorship.  I gave them some background on how fans feel about their drivers.  I am one.  We also read some parts of articles that gave facts about the cost of racing.  I will post those links on the media literacy assignment page.

I told the students that sure, you see a lot of logos on these guys, but they are being paid to wear them.  You are not!

You are just advertising for them... for free.  I pointed out that the $20m the primary sponsor spends is money well spent.  Super Bowl ads cost $2.5m for 30 seconds.  I showed how much exposure the sponsor gets from racing.  

The students must be researching and beginning to think about what they want to say in the paper.  I do not want a simple repeating of what I have taught.  It is too much anyway.  I want to see how what I have been teaching has impacted their lives.  I want to see the application of my information.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

March 2, 2006

Today was No-Logo Day.  Here are the reseults:
Section    logos      per student
1             236           8.43
2             279          10.33
3             271          13.55
6             329          12.19
7             364          13.48

The lesson is based on information from a Frontline episode.  In the show, the narrator states that we see 3,000 ads per day.  Logos are just quick ads.  In my class, if I had seen every logo, there were 1,479.  That does not include all the logos in the hallway and TV ads.  Our eyes are bombarded by messages.  I have found that even as aware as I am of ads, it is impossible to avoid all media messages.  It takes energy to keep your guard up all the time.

Tomorrow is Mega-Logo Day!  Let's see how many we can wear at once!

Not every student handed in the required work.  They were supposed to do the 20 ads chart, powerful/powerless chart, and create three ads.  Many students need to make that up.

March 1, 2006

I seem to be writing these the day after.  Right now, the lessons are so dynamic that I don't always teach the same thing in every class.  Issues come up in one that I did not foresee, and I change the lesson.

Today, March 1, we studied the law.  I printed out some pages from a Federal Trade Commission FAQ for business owners about advertising (  What jumped out at us most was there seemed to be plenty of ads on TV they could think of that don't do what the law says!  Here is a line from the FTC, "For example, if an ad for a diet product claims 'Lose 10 pounds in one week without dieting,' the fine-print statement 'Diet and exercise required' is insufficient to remedy the deceptive claim in the ad." I am pretty sure I have seen ads like this!

We then watched ads from Ford (  I showed the the ad where the two bulldozers crush the truck.  We dicussed whether the ad fit the requirements of the law.  I still think it is pretty tricky of Ford to digitally modify the undercarriage of the truck while it was getting crushed.

Thursday is No-Logo Day.  Students are to wear as few logos as possible.  Those are actually ads for the clothing company.

They were also supposed to make three ads for the bowling pin.