Today was No-Logo Day. Here are the reseults:
Section logos per student
1 236 8.43
2 279 10.33
3 271 13.55
6 329 12.19
7 364 13.48
The lesson is based on information from a Frontline episode. In the show, the narrator states that we see 3,000 ads per day. Logos are just quick ads. In my class, if I had seen every logo, there were 1,479. That does not include all the logos in the hallway and TV ads. Our eyes are bombarded by messages. I have found that even as aware as I am of ads, it is impossible to avoid all media messages. It takes energy to keep your guard up all the time.
Tomorrow is Mega-Logo Day! Let's see how many we can wear at once!
Not every student handed in the required work. They were supposed to do the 20 ads chart, powerful/powerless chart, and create three ads. Many students need to make that up.