Homework: Keep researching for the ant debate.
Use the sheet I gave you to organize rebuttals for "Hey, Little Ant."
Today we finished the movie in all classes. I had them finish the sheet I created to go along with the movie. I see three themes discussed in the movie: education eliminates prejudice, the world we live in varies as a result of our perspective, and what would the world be like if we discovered "the ant with-in?" I do not have time to write a paper on how each of these is seen in the movie. Like many children's movies, though, this one has plenty for adults to think about. The children will not catch the deeper, spiritual quest that is encourage throughout the movie. This self actualization and guidance is realized through a supernatural belief that the ants have.
Interestingly, the "religion," if you will, of the ants resembles many world religions all in one. Sure, the boys learns that ants are not just stupid. But if you enjoy looking for deeper meanings in a movie, check this one out! (I did not spend much time at all on the religion part. I merely mentioned that the ant religion seems to be comprised of many ideas from many world religions.)