Today was mega-logo day. Here are the results:
Section Total per student
1 1,788 59.6
2 800 28.57
3 641 35
6 727 27.96
7 1,720 74.77
Today's lesson was on NASCAR sponsorship. I gave them some background on how fans feel about their drivers. I am one. We also read some parts of articles that gave facts about the cost of racing. I will post those links on the media literacy assignment page.
I told the students that sure, you see a lot of logos on these guys, but they are being paid to wear them. You are not!
You are just advertising for them... for free. I pointed out that the $20m the primary sponsor spends is money well spent. Super Bowl ads cost $2.5m for 30 seconds. I showed how much exposure the sponsor gets from racing.
The students must be researching and beginning to think about what they want to say in the paper. I do not want a simple repeating of what I have taught. It is too much anyway. I want to see how what I have been teaching has impacted their lives. I want to see the application of my information.