Signed grade slips were collected today. Not many were turned in. Getting them signed is a grade.
Today also was another example of how hard it is to get a good grade this MP. Many students were absent. Also, students were supposed to have written an intro for the poem reading, but I still had students wondering what their poem was! I explained this before break and every day up until today. Again, I am just going to plow forward. I will try to keep you and the students informed of all collected assignments. I list them on the board in class as well as post them on the calendar from this web site.
Next week will be interesting. Students will be assigned to groups and travel through five academic teachers. They will be completing assignments for each of the teachers. They will be responsible for working in each class. The week will not be a party. Now, for those going on the Henlopen trip, it will be! I will be going during the first half of the week.