Friday, September 29, 2006

September 29, 2006

As I said yesterday, I would write more on the current writing assignment. I have this fear that I have not set them up to write the way I had hoped. I had wanted to show them that Bob Dylan was compelled to write things. I believe that is what artists feel, a compulsion to say something because others must hear it. We studied four different songs and watched clips from the "No Direction Home" video.

When I started this current assignment, I hoped to have us think about writing something for ourselves, like Dylan said he did. He said he was not a topical song writer. Well, I don't see how we can write a piece without thinking that what we say isn't important to the listener.

I want to write on t-shirts. I wonder what the effect is on the students wearing them compared to to how they are perceived by others. I have a few articles on the topic that I can refer to. I also have a 9-year-old daughter who wants shirts that say messages I disapprove of. There are other topics I feel I must talk about as well. I am not sure what I will write.

If your child is having trouble thinking of a topic, refer to the list of topics under the handout section of this page: .

I will not be in school on Monday for religious reasons. I am asking that the substitute give them plenty of quiet writing time to work on the essays. I would like a draft due soon so that we can work on introductions and conclusions.