Another day. Some classes were in the lab. Others were in class practicing subject/verb and introductions. Some classes have a review quiz tomorrow. Others will be in the lab. All should finish the review unit in the vocab book. It will help them study for the quiz. Sorry to be so vague.
I updated the grades for section 6. I will give the grades to the students tomorrow. I also sent out a grade update for section 6 by e-mail. If you did not get one, you should send me an e-mail to be sure you are on my list. I do get messages that bounce back. Maybe I have the wrong address.
I have graded 100 essays. Only 30 more to go. The main error seems to be knowing how to punctuate sentences. That is fine. What is not fine is a genral lack of proofreading. There are many errors that are unacceptable.