Today we did a daily drill and checked the pictionaries from last night. I had to remind the students to not use letters, numbers, or symbols in the pictionaries.
I also pointed out that too many students have not turned in the first assignment, the internet permission form. If this is a foretaste of things to come, I am not pleased. Just to let you know, when an assignment is turned in late in my class, the grade is lowered two grades. That means that the essay starts at a C if it is late.
I gave the students time to write in class. I am expecting that much of the writing of the first essay is done outside of class. I will be writing my essay outside of class. I will find quiet time to get my work done. I expect the students to do the same.
The students are a little unsure about the topic. But so am I. I wrote a draft of something today, but I am not sure if it is what I want to write on. But it is something. I encourage the students to begin writing something called a barf draft if they are having trouble getting started. Just see what comes out. Then see what you can do with the results.
The homework for tonight is pictionaries 11-20 unit 1 and the synonyms in the vocab. They should also be working on the essay.