I would like a rough draft of the current essay due Friday. I have set the due date for the final draft for Monday. The good draft must be hand written. I am using this as a diagnostic essay. I want to see what the DSTP readers will be seeing. Most essays during the school year will be typed. I would like to see the quality of the students' handwriting. It matters.
For vocab homework, the students are to do the Choosing the Right Word in the book.
Today we put some pictionaries up on the board and tried to guess what they were. I like having the students try to draw the word. It makes them think about the word in a different way. The more ways the students can work with the words the better.
I am working on my essay as well. I have a 2 1/2 page typed rough draft. That is after two other multi-page starts. I was having trouble figuring out what I wanted to write.
The essay should be about what they have seen/heard/been/met in life, what they have learned, and what they will do now with that realization. I want them to write to an older generation. That is where I was having trouble. I realize the older generation has some wisdom, unlike the way Bob Dylan felt in his times.