Wednesday, March 15, 2006

March 15, 2006 update

Parents, I am very disappointed by the postings I have come across on MySpace.  I made a profile and became part of the community.  I was invited to be friends of students, yet what I found bothered me.  

I found foul language.  That is understandable, but still, what the students said changed the way I view them in class.  I also found pictures.  The images the media offers children are mirrored in their poses, many of which I would term sexy.  A few pictures were flat out inappropriate, and if they were of my daughter, I would die of embarassment!

After much discussion with Mr. Kennedy and people in the district, including the district lawyers, there isn't much we as a school can do to control what students post.  It is not our job to protect them from the dangers of their actions online in their homes.  The site is considered out of school.

If you are curious about the site, please contact me.  I can direct you to resources to explore so you can protect your child.  As it stands now, that is all I can do, protect my own children.