Monday, October 23, 2006

October 23, 2006

This week will be confusing. Different classes are on different schedules. Please check the calendar from . For example, sections 6 and 7 were in the writing lab. That will be their last day until 30 minutes on Friday. Section 1 has a quiz tomorrow. Section 2 will be in the writing lab for the next two days. Ugh.

Sorry I cannot be more specific.

I finished grading the essays for section 3. I have printed the grade slips and will give them to the students tomorrow. I also sent them by e-mail. Most students in the class wrote somewhat detailed essays, but their sentences had many grammar mistakes. Those mistakes kept them from getting the next highest score. In other words, had the grammar been good, they would have gotten one grade higher. Although grammar can be somewhat over looked when scoring, there is a limit, especially when mistakes become distractions. It makes me wish for the days when grammar was most important. Right now, ideas and organization are most important. We will push on. I am teaching sentences in class almost every day. They love it!