The students took the quiz on unit 3. Since we did not spend any time on the words in class, I decided to cut them a break on the quiz. That break was dependent on their doing their homework, though. For the honors classes, I allowed them to use the completing the sentence and synonyms activities from the book. They could only use those two pages. For the academic classes, I allowed them to use their flashcards. Since the cards are supposed to have the word, definition, and part of speech, I figured they would be a big help. Plus, if the students did all the activities, they would have practiced how to use twenty more words. The quiz is just the icing on the cake.
I am not sure about our next writing assignment. I would also like to focus more on skills for a little while, so next week we will be doing more grammar and vocabulary exercises. I will take a break from Bob Dylan. The district has prompts they want me to work on anyway. However, we will be listening to 10 papers in class. These will be students who volunteered. I will record them. They love that! (not!)