I sent this message home with a grade update:
There are only a few more grades that need to be entered for the end of the year: vocab final (75 points), speech grade (75 points), and grammar reading of their speech that was handed in (25 points). And they must get this grade slip signed (10 points).
The year is wrapping up. I will send out the final grade update AFTER I have submitted my grades. I plan to submit them by the end of next week, June 9.
Just to make you aware, I have made many recordings of your child this year: Katrina essay, blues song, Harlem Renaissance poetry reading, and their autobiography piece. These are mp3's which can be played using iTunes and Windows Media Player. They can also be played on the portable devices. (I am also recording half of the students' persuasive speeches as videos. Ask your child if he/she was recorded.)
If you would like a copy of all of your child's files, send a CD to school or 50 cents. Let me know if you want an audio CD you can play in a player or a data CD with the files for your computer. (The videos will only be burned as files for the computer. They will be sized for the video iPod.)