The good draft of the essay is due on Monday. I plan to have the students read their essays to the class. I will record them on my computer and make mp3 files from them. I admit, it is a little early to get the kids up in front of the class, but the lesson, I believe, is invaluable. The essay must sound good to the ear.
I will be reading my own as well. I think I finally got it. I will post it on my web site when I am done. It has taken me three three-page tries to finally figure out what I had to say in a nice 1 1/2 page essay. That is fine with me. I find that when I have something I have to say, there is a strong urge to write. That urge subsides only when I am satisfied that I have written what needed to get out. Even after three starts, I was not satisfied. I would have kept going, but luckily it all came together.
If the students do not hand in the essay on time, the paper is graded two grades down. Just letting you know. Have a nice weekend.