Thursday, September 25, 2008

September 25, 2008

Completing the Sentence with context clues
Quiz on Unit 2
Get grade slip signed

Choosing the Right Word with context clues Unit 2
Sections 3 and 7 should get their grade slips signed
Students should be working on their picture essays at home
I think we will begin reading to the class on Wednesday October 1

No daily drill
Reviewed vocabulary
Continued to review the elements of a good play sheet and watched Right Hand Man again
Handed out grade slips

No daily drill
Reviewed vocabulary
Read a good example of the narrative for the picture (example is on assignment page on
SSW time for writing

Daily Drills explanation
I am rethinking how I do the daily drills.  As much as I like them, they are taking up too much time.  I must give students quiet writing time, yet they need instruction.  In the past, most of the writing was done outside class.  This year, the students would benefit from more in-class time.  That is why I have not been doing daily drills this week.