Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September 23, 2008

Pictionaries and synonyms unit 2
Be thinking about ideas for your play

Pictionaries 1-10 unit 2

No daily drill (no time)
Handed back the quizzes so they could see how they did.
We listened to all of unit 2 words
We watched an example of a one act play called "Right Hand Man." You can watch it on YouTube.  If you do, I muted one inappropriate word.  Besides that one word, the play is good for showing students the basic idea of what they will be creating.  We discussed a worksheet I gave them on the different parts  of a play like title, character, setting, etc.  I only got through discussing the title and how important it is.  We will watch the play a few more times.

No daily drill (no time)
Handed back the quizzes so they could see how they did.
Listened to words 1-10 unit 2
Gave them work time on the next essay.  They are to explain how there is a story behind every picture.  Sadly, many students still did not have a picture.  I guess they will have to write the story without it.  The topic will just have to be to write about a moment in their lives.  That is not as much fun.