Sections 3,6,7-
Completing the Sentence 1-20 unit 1
Bring in a picture you will use for the next writing assignment
Sections 1 and 2
Finish up the vocab unit (We will be switching over to a unit a week schedule next unit.)
Finish the story idea we began in class.
Sections 1 and 2 spent time discussing pictures and ideas for plays. We were discussing characters and story plots focusing on conflict. You can see the pictures on the writing assignment link in the homework section above. The students were asked to be ready to discuss their pictures Tuesday.
Sections 3,6,7 did 1-10 Completing the Sentence in the vocab book. I stress context clues for determining the correct answer. Then we started discussing the next writing assignment. I showed them a picture I could use of me when I wrestled in high school. I would like them to find a picture they could write about for Tuesday. This essay will take some time to write. I have told them that they will be reading this to the class, and they will be recorded. That did not make them happy. :)