Tuesday, September 16, 2008

September 16, 2008

All: Finish Unit 1 in the vocabulary book

Sections 3,6,7
Bring in a picture for the next writing assignment.

Sections 1 and 2
Students should have a somewhat detailed story to accompany the picture they were writing on in class. Section 2 listened to an example of what I am looking for. Basically, I want the background of the main character and the story line that goes with the picture, as if the picture is a scene from a larger play. I want to be able to sit down, look at the picture, and hear a nice story about it. Who knows? This could be the storyline of their play.

Sections 3,6,7
Daily Drill
Checked Completing the Sentence for credit
Then we started discussing the steps for starting to write their next essay: Every picture has a story. We practiced by looking at the for pictures you can see on the assignment page at www.mrboz.com. I will post the steps for brainstorming tomorrow after we use them in class. Basically, it is the 5 w's, why did the photographer take the picture? and describe what happened before and after the picture was taken.

Sections 1 and 2
Daily Drill
Reviewed homework but did not put in book
We continued to practice developing characters that have talents but also have limitations.