Tuesday, October 21, 2008

October 21, 2008

The play is absolutely due Friday!  Please follow the format required.

I think the more responsible students will come in with a draft of the first topic tomorrow.  I plan to read two examples with them.  When we are done, they should look at what they have written and think about was to improve their writing.  They can't do that if they have not written anything.

First, we read through the rubric from the Delaware Theatre Company.  It is the same one they will use when we submit our plays.  We discussed what each section means and how it could apply to their plays.  Then we started looking at each other's plays using the rubric.  Since the students don't have much of a background of plays, I figure their scores will be a little off.  This rubric is used for 12th grade plays as well.  However, it gets them thinking.  I would like to examine Right Hand Man using the rubric.  I do not think it would score excellent.  (I will have to scan in the rubric so you can see it.  I will post it on the page soon.)

Daily Drill
SSW time for writing.  Here is an outline I gave the kids to start thinking about one of the inspirational speeches:
How do we lift people up?

Grab attention!
Show them the need to be inspired.

Set the stage!
There is a need for a change.
There is a solution.

What are the sources of strength?
Family, friends, loved ones, pets, professionals, religion

How do you know that this is true? Make the essay personal.

Remind the person of the clear need to change.  You believe in them.
By now you should have said your main ideas