Thursday, September 17, 2015

Update for MrBoZ

Please remember that you can always see what I did in class on my website:

Section 1 
We are half way through My Favorite Chaperone in class discussion.  I expect students have read the whole story by now.  As soon as we finish the story in class, the questions are due the next day. I will spot check them for accuracy.

Students will have a literary terms quiz September 25, which will be summative.

Vocabulary Workshop: I have checked off grades for pictionaries, choosing the right word, synonyms, and antonyms.  I put all of those grades and other vocab homework (including using Quizlet at least once per unit) together at the end of unit as one formative grade.  The vocab quiz, which will be September 25, will be a small summative.

Sections 2 & 3
We are finishing up introducing the literary terms and plot structure and getting ready to start reading My Favorite Chaperone Friday.  I will be handing out access information for their online books on Monday next week.  Students will be required to write out answers to the discussion questions I will provide. (See below.)

Students will have a literary terms quiz September 25 or so, which will be summative.