Monday, September 21, 2015

Today we did SRI in class

Today: All Classes

1. Warm-up with responders.  Do #16
2. Show me that you can log into HAC to check your grades. 
3. Take the SRI Test on the computer. (Scores will be used to determine remediation.)
4. Read My Favorite Chaperone in book and work on these questions.
I handed out the usernames and passwords for their online books.  
They should just uses their student ID for both (put the zeros in the beginning most times).
If you get a blank page, try adding zeros or taking away zeros.  Sorry.
5. Practice the literary terms you will be quizzed on soon.
Do the flashcards first.
Make a matching quiz with 22 multiple choice.

Section 1 
Completing the Sentence Unit 1 (We did this during the activity period.)
Do a practice test on Quizlet. Have at least two things done on Quizlet by the end of the week.

Section 2
You are encouraged to read My Favorite Chaperone at home using your online book.