Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Section 1 Assignments that are due

Today, let’s practice what working on your own looks like.  Here is what you need to do.

1.    Enter vocabulary
a.    Choosing the Right Word
b.    Synonyms and Antonyms
2.    You need to finish a second Achieve article
a.    Write 100 words for the poll question
b.    Answer the activity questions
c.    Write three paragraphs for the thought question
3.    You owe me a poem tomorrow
a.    Must be 30 seconds in length when read aloud
b.    Must be neatly written and illustrated
c.    You must complete a poem analysis checklist explaining your message and your choices.
d.    Be ready to read the poem aloud to the class tomorrow.  I am grading you on how well you write poetry.  Everything you have to do demonstrates you have been paying attention.
4.    Do Completing the Sentence unit 8 on the responders