Thursday, January 30, 2014

I entered some 3rd MP grades in HAC

Grades in HAC 
  1. As I said in the last post, students can re-take the terms quiz. (Summative)
  2. Students handed in an illustrated poem of 30 second length today.  Those requirements earned most a 100%. I made the poem a formative.  I will balance out its weight later in the MP to count for more than homeworks and such.
  3. I entered multiple poetry formative assignments in as one grade.  I had been collecting scores to guide my teaching all along.  I did not feel each assignment needed to be entered on HAC.  The score is a snapshot of how much the student was understanding the lessons taught. Some students did not take the assignments seriously, though.

There are summative grades coming:
  1. The analysis of their own poem.
  2. The group presentation.
  3. The essay which they will write from the group notes. 

Teaching this unit to the Common Core methods of analysis has been challenging.  (The snow days did not help.)  But I feel confident that I have given students the skills necessary for their group presentations.  With the notes of four brains working together, I am confident that students will have what they need to explain the message of the poem and how the writer used form, sound devices, and language to communicate his/her message.