Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Group presentations in sections 2 and 3 due Monday

Due tomorrow: The students owe me their personal poem and analysis checklist.

Group Brainstorming
After analyzing the formative assignments we have been doing in class, I feel that students would benefit from group brainstorming.  Once all of these requirements below have been satisfied, students will have everything they need for their poem analysis essays.

I want the presentations done for Monday.  

I would like the essays written for Tuesday, February 4.  If students would like to take some extra time and hand the essay in a few days later, that is fine.  However, we have DCAS testing Wednesday and Thursday.  I do not want them to have homework, but that is their choice.

Poem Analysis Group Presentation
(Group brainstorming for your poem analysis essay.)

In “__________________________,” (poet) ________________________ is (doing?)___________________________________.  He/She uses form, sound devices, and language in this poem to communicate the message _________ ________________________________.

Responsible for
1.   Reading the poem aloud to the class.
a.    To get a good grade, the reading must add to/express the meaning of the poem.
2.   Illustrate the reading of the poem.
a.    If you want to have a Power Point that goes with the poem, that is great.
b.   You can e-mail me a picture to use, or draw something…
c.    You could do an interpretive dance?
3.   You must clearly state and then explain the focus paragraph.
a.    Explain why you believe the poem’s message is what you say it is.
b.   Explain how the form, sound devices, and language help communicate the message.
c.    Explain which devices weren’t used and explain how their inclusion would change the poem.
4.   Each member should have a completed copy of the poetry checklist.  That is your brainstorming.

All of this information will be written into an essay. 
After all of this working together, you should have more than enough to say in your piece.
Be sure to think about a logical way to explain how the form communicates the message.
You do not have to include everything!
Do not just go down the checklist and copy it into your essay!