Friday, January 10, 2014

Grades update on HAC.

Students too the unit 7 quiz and the 1-6 quiz today.  No more grades will be added for the second marking period.  However, there are students that need to make up work for various reasons.  Please check HAC to see if there are any missing assignments (blanks or MIS).  The grades on HAC, for many students, are the 2nd MP grade... but not all.

We are not doing vocab next week.

The weights of the vocab quizzes have been adjusted to reflect the importance of vocabulary (in sections 2 and 3 so far).  Vocabulary is part of the class, not the focus of the class.  When I put all the assignments in a spreadsheet and looked at how much each counted, I saw that the vocab quizzes counted more than they should.  So I made those quizzes count for .5 weight instead of 1. 

What was the outcome of the change?  Surprisingly, not much at all- .5% or less.  There are few students for whom the change dropped them to a B, but they were on the edge anyway.  However, I will talk to those students to see if there is a missing assignment they need to make up.

I hope you appreciate the honesty of this blog post.  I wanted to make you aware of the changes I needed to make.  This is the first year I have not been able to simply make vocabulary worth 15% or classwork worth 50%.  A vocab quiz should not count anywhere near what an essay counts.  I want my summative grades to truly be a measure of a student's mastery of the skills taught.

If you have any concerns, let me know.