Friday, April 01, 2011

The magazine presentations are going well

Sections 3, 4, 5, and HB
We did not get through as many presentations as I would have liked, but the ones I heard today were pretty good.  I guess those who did not present get a little extra time to prepare.  That's ok.  Now they know exactly what I am looking for, so I will have high expectations for Monday.

Section 6:
On Monday, I expect them to be done the packet we have been working on in class.  They are to take the questions on the last page of the yellow packet and write down the information.  They should also include lots of pictures to explain what they are trying to say.  Once I see that they have prepared the information, they will present their information to the class to tell us what they found.  (I have explained this assignment thoroughly for the last three days.  Some students are just dragging their feet.)