Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sections 3, 4, 5, and HB this week

Here is the current assignment we are working on until spring break.
Quiz on Unit 12 on Thursday

Grades coming up this week and next:
(Quiz Unit 12 on Thursday)
(25 points) Created a print ad that is not a piece of junk.
(50 points) The 200 word piece on your print ad explains how you have designed the ad to work with your audience. Typed, size 12 Times New Roman, good grammar.
* Possible assignment (50 Points) The 200 word piece on your proposed script for your TV ad explains how you have designed the ad to work for a TV audience.
(25 points) Group grade for the TV commercial: Everyone must appear in the ad, the ad MUST be 1 minute long, you should be ready for filming, your effort will be scored by each person in the group.