Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Section 6 entry

Section 6 is not doing vocabulary this week.  We will begin the unit when we have finished the ad assignment.

Please check the grades on HAC.  

Section 6
We are making an ad in-class.  I have asked the students to pretend that they have invented a product that fills a need.  I have given them an item that they need to sell.  They are not selling what the product is for real.  They are selling the product that they invented.

1. Decide on what your device is.
    Here are pictures of the objects I have given the students.
    Make a list of what your device does or is used for.
2. Define your intended audience.
    Who would buy your device?
     Age Range:
     Family situation: (Married, single, with kids?)
3. Sketch an ad that include the following:
    The ad must have a person in the ad.
    There should be at least three clearly identifiable ad techniques (found in this packet).
    The ad should be eye-catching and colorful.
    Will your ad include people who are Powerful or Powerless?

On Wednesday, I will be asking the students to present their devices to the class. If they have thought about the above questions, they should sound convincing, like they would want me to buy the product as well.

By Friday, we will be making an ad and then explaining in 200 words why this ad is the best way to sell the product to the audience.