Thursday, April 14, 2011

Section 6 paragraph requirements

Section 6
The students designed the ad Wednesday, we made the ads in class today, and they will explain the ads on Friday.

This is the paragraph that the students will be typing in class tomorrow.  If they want to write the piece at home, then they can use the time for other things.

Requirements for the 200 word Print Ad Explanation
Goal: Explain your strategy for the ad.
1. Explain what the product is and why people would want it.
2. Explain the audience of your ad/product. Why sell it to that specific audience?
3. What magazine has an audience that you think would buy your product? Why?
4. Explain each technique you used to sell your product.
     a. Name the technique
     b. Explain the technique
     c. Explain why the technique will work with the audience
5. What type of person did you draw in your ad? Why?
6. Make sure you have explained why you think your ad is the best way to sell your product.

Times New Roman size 12 font
Single spaced
Introduction sentence and conclusion sentence needed.
Grammar counts, so take time to edit and make perfect.