Monday, April 04, 2011

Here is the paragraph assignment that is due Friday!

Tonight's Homework:
Sections 3, 4, 5, and HB: Pictionaries unit 12
Section 6: Be ready for the magazine presentation.  You saw what is needed today in class!

Paragraph due Friday:
I know some students are going on a trip at the end of this week.  I see no reason that this paragraph can't be completed by then, especially since I said I would be posting this online today.  ** If necessary, e-mail the paragraph to me Wednesday night. **

I have taught you lessons, you have watched the presentations of your classmates, and you have completed the research chart from their data. How do you feel about advertisements now? Write a paragraph of less than 350 words explaining how you have observed some of the following lessons in your own life and/or in your magazine. (I would like this neatly written or typed.)

Ads have a purpose.
    Show new products
    Persuade you to buy
    Change your thoughts to affect your behavior

Why do magazines and TV sell ads?
    To pay for the production of the content.

Why make good content like shows and interesting magazines?
    The more eyeballs you bring, the more money you can charge for ads.

Can you recognize an ad?
    They are still obvious most of the time.
    Product placement in movies and TV shows.
    Some magazine ads look just like the magazine.
    Are you even aware of when you are being sold to?

Where do we get our values from?
    Parents, community, society, church, school, friends?
    Do you get your values from the media: TV, movies, ads?

What is the intention of the magazine?
    To attract eyeballs and make money.
    If they make a product that people want, they can sell the ads space.
    Who is making the decisions for the content of the magazine? Editors.

What is the intention of the advertiser?
    To sell their product.
    Who is making the decisions for the ad content? Someone who knows it will sell product.

Every ad uses identifiable techniques of persuasion.
    The ads usually do not sell the product based on logical reasons.
    The ad techniques are artificial means of persuasion that play on the emotions.

Core Concepts
    1. All media messages are constructed.
    2. Creative techniques are used to attract my attention.
    3. Different people experience the same message differently.
    4. What lifestyles, values, and points of view does the ad show?

Be sure to start your paragraph of with a focusing statement.
Be sure to include transitions.
End the paragraph with a conclusion sentence.
Be sure to have NO GRAMMAR ERRORS!