Monday, March 14, 2011

Students MUST have a magazine Tuesday!!!!!!

Completing the Sentence Unit 10
Bring a magazine Tuesday

We started our Media Literacy unit.  I discussed the following questions (below).  Then we watched ads from the first commercial break of Pretty Little Liars that I had recorded.  The ads showed the things we discussed in the questions.  There is too much to discuss, and I don't have time to write it all here.  The students who are in class will receive more because I discuss ideas in detail.

I gave students a packet that we will use for the two week unit.  It they lose it, they must buy a new one for a quarter.  This is their book for the next two weeks.

I will put a link to the assignment web page soon.  I have many things I am trying to get done, including reading all the sci-fi pieces from sections 5 and 6.  One paper took me 15 minutes just to read!

What are ads? What is their purpose?
    Persuade you to buy the product.
    Show you the need for their product. (real or imagined)

Why does a magazine or TV channel have ads?
    To make money from the commercials. (sell time)

Why does a magazine or TV channel create great content (shows)?
    The more people that watch, the more ads you sell, more money charge.
    Not to entertain you!!!!

When you watch an hour-long TV show, about how much of the hour is ads?
    20 min
    NASCAR is 100% ads- show and ads!

    Pretty Little Liars episode I have= 28% ad   72% show

How do I know I am watching an ad?
    Cut off