Thursday, March 24, 2011

No Logo Day!

Today was No Logo Day!  Students were supposed to dress with as few logos showing as possible, excluding the H.B. logo because that is one logo we want to show.  Logos are free advertising for the company.  We did not want advertising on our outfits, so we covered them up with tape.  (And then proceeded to tape everything else in sight!)

The goal was to have no logos, but some students did not realize how many logos they actually had on them.  Some shoes had the tread design using the company's logo over and over!  That did not help the class to achieve the lowest ratio of logos per student.  Here are the results:

Class     logos per student
  3           30.6
  4             9.3
  5           21.0
  6             8.6
 HB           7.7
Tomorrow is Mega Logo Day.  Students are to choose clothing that has lots of logos.  Since there is a dress code, students who have shirts or other items that are not code must bring the items to class in a bag.  I told them to be responsible with their items!

Don't forget about the tread design!

One student had 180 logos on one shoe!

The buttons have the company's name on them.

Logos are everywhere!

This shoe will be great for Mega Logo Day on Friday!