Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Media Kits

Quiz Unit 11 Thursday
Magazine Presentation due Friday

We are continuing to study the audience of the magazine.  Unlike the other day where I was asking them to figure out the audience of their magazines, today we went to the computer lab to find out the exact audience of the magazine.  Here is an example from US Weekly.  If you look around, you will see the information the magazine gives to potential advertisers.  The media kit shows the advertisers why their magazine is the best choice for their product. The media kits can go into great detail about the audience.

I expect to hear some of the information from the media kits in the presentations on Friday.

I guess the shortest goal I could say for this part of the media unit is that I want the students to understand that they are an audience and the advertisers craft messages specifically for them.  Those messages appeal to the emotions, not logic.

The application of this knowledge will take place in the next two weeks when they design their own ad campaign, both print and video!