Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sections 6 and 3's sci-fi pieces have been graded. Check HAC.

**** Note: Sci-Fi grades for sections 4 and 5 ****

I am trying something different.  I am giving these two sections a temporary score for the sci-fi stories.  This is a score based on 3 or 4 student assessments of the piece.  I dropped the lowest score and averaged.  I feel that my score may be a little bit higher, but it might not be.  The score the students gave is in the ballpark.  It will take me until the end of the marking period to get through all the honors pieces.  Some are five pages long!  I will revise the scores as I finish scoring them.  This way you can at least have an idea of what the marking period grade looks like.  There are two weeks left!  Again, I am trying something new because I know how important up to date grades are on HAC.  Plus, I do have some scores for the pieces.  If the scores end up way off, then I won't do this again.  

There is no homework for tonight.  We spent the day typing in the lab.