Tuesday, September 07, 2010

September 7, 2010


Daily Drill (see below for notes)
Discussed grades and class participation.
Students had SSW time to write their essays.

These are the notes we have taken so far:
September 7, 2010 (W1)
(Make the needed corrections.)
1. wernt their no milk in the refrijerator

2. there going to come to sea me at 7 pm

September 02, 2010
ludicrous (adjective) \LOO-duh-krus\
What does it mean?
: laughable because of being ridiculous
How do you use it?
"I turned my face away to conceal a smile I could not suppress: there was something ludicrous as well as painful in the little Parisienne's earnest and innate devotion to matters of dress."
Are you a word wiz?
Which one of the authors below do you think wrote the quotation we've used as our example sentence for "ludicrous"?
A. Hans Christian Andersen
B. Homer
C. Mother Goose
D. Charlotte Bronte

September 01, 2010
haiku (noun) \HYE-koo\
What does it mean?
: a verse form of Japanese origin having three lines containing five, seven, and five syllables respectively; also : a poem written in this form
How do you use it?
The card didn't have enough room for a sonnet, so Kaitlin wrote a short haiku instead.
Are you a word wiz?
So, you may know what "haiku" means, but can you spot one when you see it? Which of the examples below is a haiku?
A. Let me not to the marriage/ of true minds / Admit impediment.
B. I think that I shall never see / A poem lovely as a tree.
C. From all directions / Winds bring petals of cherry / Into the grebe lake.
D. Lo, we have heard tell/ of the Spear Danes/ from the days of yore.

August 31, 2010
stave off (verb) \STAYV-AWF\
What does it mean?
: to force or keep away : to fend off
How do you use it?
I knew that we'd be eating a late dinner, so I had an apple when I got home from school to stave off hunger.
Are you a word wiz?
What object gave us the word "stave off"?
A. a barrel
B. a long stick
C. a type of cracker eaten on board ships
D. a curling iron