Friday, September 24, 2010

Grades are updated on the Home Access Center

I had planned on having the students a little farther along on their StoryCorps assignment, but I have been out two days this week.  However, I did give students the basics of what is expected and how to do it.  For those students who would like to work on the interview this weekend, I showed them the assignment page at my classroom website.  There are resources on it and on the StoryCorps link.

Basically, the students are to pick someone they would like to honor with an interview.  They should pick questions using the question generator at StoryCorps.  They should then prepare and practice for the interview.  The interview should be recorded somehow for posterity.  The student should sit down with the person and be a good listener, like we discussed in class. 

So far, this is all we covered.  I have not quite decided on the product that I want handed in.  Right now, I would like the student to treasure the 30 minute interview and save that for posterity.  From there, I am trying to figure out what will be shared.  I am think the best and most difficult product would be a 2-3 minute portion of the interview audio, like the kind found on StoryCorps.  Realistically, I think the interview will be summarize in writing.  That piece of writing will still be valuable.  I will figure out how to turn this in later. 

I will be interviewing my wife.  As soon as I am done that, I will think about how I want to share my interview.  (But I have access to great video and audio editing programs and equipment.)

Have a nice weekend.