Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 22, 2010

The quiz on Unit 1 will be FRIDAY.  (I have a sub tomorrow.)
Students can go to this page online to study for the quiz. There are games, flashcards, and practice questions.

We did four warm-up questions that reviewed concepts we have been studying.
We reviewed the notes on narrative (see below).
We watched two videos as examples of what we will be making over the next month:
     We watched The Human Voice to see a short example of a narrative.  We will write a longer one in a few weeks.
     We watched Q & A as a sample of the interview project we will start ASAP.  On Friday, I will show the students where to go if they would like to work on the project this weekend.  We will have lab time on Monday to organize the interview questions.  The assignment page is up on my site.

Here are the notes on narrative that we discussed in class.
What is narrative?
• the telling of a story
• account of a specific event or a series of connected events
• pattern of beginning, middle, and end
• often express a very important truth about life
• found in all cultures
• giving meaning to individual life
• pass on enduring values and lessons
• really more likely common to others, as well

Basically, why is narrative so important to humans?
• giving meaning to individual life
• served a vital role in the lives of those who tell and listen to them
• values, beliefs, sacred knowledge, and practices are that sustain the people
• collective memory of the elders
• a time for teaching what mattered most to them