Monday, September 20, 2010

Grades are updated on the Home Access Center

If you do not know how to access the grades on-line, please contact the main office.

There are 4 categories of my grades that count: participation(10%), classwork(60%), homework(15%), and quizzes(15%).  There is a category on the grades called performance.  That category is merely for documenting.  It is a way I can tell students how they have done on something, but it does not factor into the grades.  For example, they took a vocab diagnostic.  Even though it says it is worth 100 points, the grade does not count.  Also, the grade called "jar" is used when we use the responders.  Think of them like pennies.  These points do not count against a grade.  The more pennies they have, the more it will HELP their grade.  I will explain grades more at open house.  If you have any questions, please e-mail me: .

My son is sick, so I was not in school today.  The students were to do the Completing the Sentence in the vocab book.  They were to highlight the context clues as well. I will check these tomorrow for a grade.

The students were also supposed to make flashcards to study for the quiz on Thursday.  I will be checking them tomorrow, even in the honors classes where I said they did not have to do them for homework.  I needed work for the students today, so I assigned the flashcards anyway.