Thursday, September 02, 2010

September 2, 2010

Have a nice Labor Day Weekend!

We watched some of another episode of Barney.  Then I posed real classroom situations we face and asked them to come up with Barney solutions.  They were pretty crazy.  Most classes seemed to agree that our class cannot be totally Barney because it is unrealistic.  I then discussed levels of Barney that we could have in our class.

Total Barney- Impossible because it is too unrealistic.  There is no anger, only acceptance and love.  Also, every couple of minutes, everyone breaks out singing, and they all dance around.  That will not happen in my classroom!

Barney-Like- The teacher and the students embody the qualities of the show, but no singing and dancing silliness.  We are all basically nice to each other.

Some Barney- This is a realistic view of a classroom.  We will try to use the lessons of Barney, but we will not be perfect.  The classroom is pretty nice, though.

No Barney- This would be the classroom where the teacher needs to keep control of the students because they do not exhibit very Barney-like behavior.  If everyone is positive and gets along, there would not be such a need to have someone in control.  The students barely embody the Barney qualities; therefore, the teacher is not able to act very Barney-like either.

Negative- The children are so disrespectful that the teacher has no chance of demonstrating Barney ideals.  The classroom is run using strict discipline because the children are selfish and cannot control themselves.