As I said yesterday, students need to bring in a magazine that they would like to work from for the next two weeks. If you have any extras, please send them in. I could use them. I will see sections 1 and 3 Wednesday.
If you look at the HAC, you will see that I entered two new grades. Over the past 2 weeks, we have been working on DSTP writing. The one grade was 50 points for getting the two drafts completed in class. The other 25 points was given today. I showed students what a DSTP score of a 2, 3, and 4 would look like. The students took those models and scored each others' papers. The scores are not perfect, but they are close. The exercise of scoring was more important. They did see how a 2 differed from a 4. Hopefully they will understand the importance of adding detail. A 25 was a 4, a 23 was a 3, and 20 was a 2. A score of 3 is passing DSTP. However, I did not give students as much time as they might have needed. I am satisfied the students got the lessons I was trying to teach. In return, as long as they did it on-time, no one received less than a 93% on the assignment. That's a fair deal.