Friday, March 12, 2010

March 12, 2010

Students are reminded to bring their magazines to class every day.  We discussed the presentation that is due March 29.  We will spend the next two weeks preparing.  I have a lot to teach them.  I hope to update the web page with some pictures of what we are doing.  I will do the best I can.

We discussed the text to ad ratio of the magazines and practiced.  The first step in studying the magazine is to determine how much of the magazine is content and how much is ads.  The content is what you trust when you buy a magazine because you hope the editor is unbiased.  The ads are produced for a product with the intention of persuading you to buy something.  If you can't tell when you are being advertised to, you will be a fool for anything.

I have a lot I want to teach students!  I hope I can get it all in.