Friday, January 11, 2008

January 11, 2008

I gave a grade slip to sections 1,2,6, and 7. (Section 3 was in the library.)
A draft of the DuPont Challenge essay is due Monday.

Dear Parents,
We spent this week listening to presentations on the students' topics for the DuPont Challenge. The purpose of the presentations was to get the students to talk about what they would later write about. The goal was to have the students see if they know enough to begin writing. A few too many were not able to discuss their topics with authority. That is unfortunate. Research time was supposed to be over.

I am writing to you for your assistance. Please help your child find a few hours this weekend to write the rough draft of the essay. The requirements are listed on On Monday, I want to begin a week-long process of revision. If the students do not have anything to revise, they will not be able to participate. Revision takes time. It also takes something to revise! :)

I am asking the students to write a persuasive essay where science is the hero. It should be 700-1000 words. In sections 1 and 2, I will be teaching students how to include citations. A bibliography is required. I suggest using

Thank you for your help.