Monday, April 23, 2007

April 23, 2007

Miss Bastnagel (sections 3, 6, 7)

vocab unit 12: pictionary 1-10
bring magazine and packet

Monday we began learning about the different techniques advertisers use when selling their products. Students got to see examples of some of the tactics that they use. We reviewed techniques such as bandwagon, card- stacking, bribery, diversion, denial, and fear of the enemy. After students become familiar with the techniques, their task will be to find examples of the ads in their own magazines. They will mark the ads with stickies. Tomorrow we will continue to explore the techniques and look at other examples.

MrBoZ (sections 1 and 2)
Pictionaries 1-10 unit 12

Although we discussed the first half of the techniques on Friday, I spent time reviewing them again. This time, however, we discussed the questions in the forth column of the chart. These questions reveal the fallacies of the persuasive techniques. In other words, the advertisers don't use logical reasons to persuade us to buy their products. They sort of trick us.

Let's look at the technique of group dynamic. That technique uses the idea that if you buy the product you will be part of a similar group of people who also use the product. Do you really believe or have proof that if you buy the product you will be part of that group you see in the magazine ad? Be real!

You can look at the chart for yourself. It is a link on the media literacy assignment.