MrBoZ- (sections 1 and 2)
We began our discussion of ad techniques. We discussed the idea that the arguments to buy the product should be reasonable based on factual information, like we focused on during the ant debates. However, ads are usually not straight forward in how they persuade us to buy their products. I have called the techniques "artificial persuasion." They attempt to persuade you, but the methods are deceitful or tricky.
As we progress through this unit, you should start to see you child pointing out these fallacies in arguments. This may become annoying, but once they see how they are being manipulated, they will see these tricks everywhere!
Miss Bastnagel- (sections 3,6, and 7)
Bring magazine and packet to class Monday
Friday we began to explore the question: How to advertisements effect us? Students looked at whether the age of people in advertisements make the ads more appealing, less appealing, or have no impact at all . In order the answer this we began to collect some data. Students were shown two advertisements for the same acne product. One had people and the other didn't. They learned to "dissect" an ad and answer questions about what they found appealing or unappealing within each .
We will look back at the results after we finish learning the techniques, to see if their opinions change after learning a little bit more about advertising.
I am really excited to see how students view themselves as consumers after they learn some of the sneaky ways advertisers try to persuade you to buy their products!