Wednesday, April 25, 2007

April 25, 2007

Miss Bastnagel

Choosing the right word- vocab Unit 12

Sections 1 and 2
In these sections we completed our buzzword and then drew our pictionaries for Unit 12 vocabulary. The students often come up with very creative drawings to remember their vocab words. After this activity, the students were given time to complete finding the ad techniques within their magazines. After studying the techniques, they are supposed to mark examples that they find in their own magazines. Students also were given the opportunity to turn in any late or missing assignments for credit.

Sections 3,6, and 7.
After the buzzword and pictionary vocab activity, students explored the ad techniques of name calling, repetition, nostagia, plain folk, and rhetorical question. We looked at examples of these techniques and discussed advertisements that demonstrate them. Then the students found representations of all the techniques that they have learned so far in their magazines.

Once we have learned all the techniques, my hope is that students will become so familiar with them, that they can indentify the qualities of techniques in any ad that I show.