Wednesday, April 25, 2007

April 24, 2007

MrBoZ (Sections 1 and 2)
1. Get gradeslip signed
2. 11-20 pictionaries and synonyms

We discussed the next 10 vocab words. We also discussed the forth column of the ad techniques for the remaining techniques. By the end of class tomorrow, the students should have found one example of each technique in their own magazine. By the end of the week, I want them to be familiar with how to spot these fallacies by practicing analyzing ads.

The end project of this study will be an oral report on their magazine where they present their findings to the class. The class will fill in a chart so they can compare the magazines to each other. In years past, I would do this unit closer to my other persuasive writing units. This year, the requirements for GoMyAccess did not allow me to fit them together. However, the unit is used to teach critical thinking.

Miss Bastnagel ( sections 3,6,7)

pict.11-20 and syns
get grade slip signed

We went over the next 10 vocab words. We also continued our discussion on the next group of ad techniques. Students are trying to find examples of these techniques in their own magazines.