Homework: Finish Unit 8 vocab
Finish the essay for tomorrow
Today we discussed how the introduction of an essay aims towards the conclusion. We discussed how the writer has a purpose for the essay and the introduction and conclusion help him to deliver that message. I gave them a handout that had thirteen different types of introductions. I expect the students to play with their introductions for this paper.
Tomorrow we will begin the third essay. If any parent is actually reading this blog, you will find this third essay topic interesting. I am reading a parenting book. It asked us to write down the target we have in mind for our children, like our goals for them. This third essay will ask the students to explain what they think (or know) are your goals for them. Then they will explain how they are doing in meeting those goals. In other words, they are comparing your expectations for their lives with their own performance so far. How do they think they are measuring up to your expectations will be the focus. It should be an interesting paper!