Monday, February 02, 2015

Here is what students should be working on this week

Section 1 should have pictionaries for unit 7 in tomorrow.
        Here is the Quizlet flashcards for the words.

All section should be practicing vocabulary using the Quizlet links below.

Unit 2 
Practice Quizzes: Here is the Quizlet practice for ALL the literary terms a student should know.List of Words: Academic Vocabulary List (Quiz Feb. 6)
Quizlet Practice for the 63 vocabulary words students should know.       Set 1 (Contribute - Style) (Quiz Feb. 6)
Literature Study          Searching for Bobby Fischer (Movie)                  Constructed Response due Friday, February 6

Students will demonstrate that they can use academic vocabulary to explicate the theme of a movie.

CC.8.R.L.2 Key Ideas and Details: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characterssetting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text.CC.8.R.L.3 Key Ideas and Details: Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the actionreveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.
CC.8.R.L.6 Craft and Structure: Analyze how differences in the points of view of the characters and the audience or reader (e.g., created through the use ofdramatic irony) create such effects as suspense or humor. 

Determining theme in Searching for Bobby Fischer: Characterization and Imagery
Due Friday, February 6

Standards to demonstrate
CC.8.R.L.2 Key Ideas and Details: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text.

CC.8.R.L.3 Key Ideas and Details: Analyze how particular lines of dialogue or incidents in a story or drama propel the action, reveal aspects of a character, or provoke a decision.

CC.8.R.L.6 Craft and Structure: Analyze how differences in the points of view of the characters and the audience or reader (e.g., created through the use of dramatic irony) create such effects as suspense or humor.

The movie comments on the relationship between teacher and student, father and son, parent and child, the choices each makes and the consequences of those choices. What is he trying to tell us? What is he telling children who watch this?  What is he telling parents who watch this?

In the movie Searching for Bobby Fischer, director and screen writer Steven Zaillian

The theme (message) of movie is…

Writing Choices
1.     Discuss the effect of shooting the whole movie from Josh’s point of view and having him narrate Bobby Fisher’s history. How did this help convey the theme?
2.     Discuss the plot choices used in the movie.  What was the effect of using Bobby Fischer’s history at certain parts in the movie. How did this choice help convey the theme?
3.     Discuss the visual imagery/symbols used in the movie (colors, camera angles, objects to focus on, close-ups). How do these choices help convey the theme?
4.     Discuss Dad’s and Bruce’s internal conflicts and the effect their relationship with the other characters had on them (external conflicts): Josh, Vinnie, Mom, other parents, etc. How did the characters help convey the theme? We learn about characters through their actions, dialogue, how others see them, and their thoughts.  I would discuss the director’s use of close-ups.

·      Try to keep your response below 500 words.
·      Use as many academic vocabulary words as you can from the sheet.  Bold them. The more you use the better!
·      Demonstrate that you understand how the director/screen writer’s choices helped convey the theme.
·      Type on Google Docs and share with
·      Due by Friday, February 6.