Monday, February 16, 2015

Section 1 HAC update

Think SNOW
I read the Bobby Fischer theme pieces submitted using Google Docs.  I provided feedback using comments.  What I found is I should have limited the topics.  My questions required too much writing to fully explain, yet I had asked the students to shoot for 500 words.  I should have made questions that were more focused.  Therefore I scored the writing looking at if the students could identify the theme of the movie and generally explain how the screenwriter conveyed the theme.  The best pieces were over 1000 words, unfortunately.

If a student did not get an A, he/she may rewrite the the piece for a higher grade.  Students who earned an C had very short pieces.  If you have questions about your score, please e-mail me.

Note- I was going to have sections 2 and 3 write these as well, but I decided that the questions I have graded were enough.