- All classes have a quiz on the academic vocabulary and the first ten words of the critical vocabulary on Friday.
- All classes have a written piece due Friday on Searching for Bobby Fischer. (We will have typing time in class on Thursday.)
- Section 1 should do the pictionaries for unit 7 to be entered on the responders tomorrow.
Argument Essay Scoring
Samples of A's on Social Media Argument Essay
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
I wanted to give a little explanation about the scoring of the argument essays. The average score for section 1 was an 82%, section 2 was a 75%, and section 3 was a 72%. As I tell the class, the bidding starts at a C, and no student gets lower than a 70%... as long as the basic requirements are attempted. Argumentative writing is difficult for middle school students. I believe it requires a level of analytical reasoning that is above the abilities of many of the students. Even with a scaffolded assignment, a basic outline, and two practices essays, many students were not able to thoroughly discuss the topic of cyberbullying in a way that takes a position yet demonstrates that there is not one position that is completely correct.
If you read the samples, you will see what I think are essays that meet the full requirements of the rubric. The scores on these essays reflect what I believe students will be expected to do on their testing and on argumentative writing in the future.
If any student would like to challenge or discuss my score, I am more than willing to explain why I gave it a particular score.